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Jimin shrugged on his leather jacket over his T-shirt. He loosely tucked in the red-and-black stripes under his pants, then posed in odd twists in front of the large mirror to see if the clothing was well-fitting.

Once he was satisfied that his ass was well carved through the tightness of his jeans, he threw on his boots and strolled from his room.

Despite having spent the most time styling his hair, he already ran a hand through the fibers without thinking as he descended the many stairs to the main floor of his home.

He passed through the living room, grabbing the straps of his bag and tossing one over his shoulder. As soon as he did, the strong smell of large, well-made breakfast blew through his nostrils and made his mouth water.

His lips twitched upwards. "Jin's at it again."

Jimin continued forward, wondering how far he could make it before he was interrupted.

Not far.

As soon as he stepped into the entryway, a tall, broad-shouldered and handsome figure appeared in front of him, arms crossed and a bit of uncooked pancake goop on his neck.

"Where do you think you're going?" the tall one, who's full name was actually "Seokjin," not just "Jin" as everyone else came to know him, demanded.

"School," Jimin replied nonchalantly, hooking his bag tighter over his shoulder. He swallowed back his smile, keeping a serious face. "Where's Min?"

"He left already," Jin answered. "And call him Yoongi, for Christ's sake. We're not doing anything, you can quit the formalities."

"That bitch left without me?" Jimin grumbled, ignoring the elder's scolding.

"You know he prefers to walk alone," Jin explained, frowning at the younger's language. He leaned forward and grabbed Jimin's wrist, turning away and forcing Jimin to follow him into the kitchen. "Now come eat."

Jimin couldn't hold back his smile anymore. "You know I'll be late!"

"I don't give a flying frick," Jin dropped Jimin's hand as they slipped into the dining area. He disappeared behind a door, snatching up one of the platters before bringing it back out and setting it down on the table in front of the head chair. "You're going to eat, whether you're late or not."

Jimin cracked a giggle, hiding his face behind his hand shyly as he did. He finally allowed himself to drop into the chair, grateful to have such a parent-like figure in his life. Especially one so protective.

Jin lifted the silver dome, presenting three different plates filled with different kinds of food. Meat, vegetation, and seafood. Jin was well prepared this morning.

After wolfing down what he could stomach, then downing half a cup of orange juice, and finally a mug of coffee, Jimin stood up and rushed out the door before any of his other friends could stand in his way.

Jimin had been lying to Jin when he said he was going to be late; he only wanted to argue so that he could experience some of Jin's pushiness. It was always a good mood-lifter to feel loved and guarded.

But after that large breakfast, Jimin was actually pressing time.

Skipping out the door, stomach full, his bag stuffed to the brim with books, and a can of coffee in hand, Jimin made the short trip from his home to school.

Glancing up at the clear, cloudless blue sky, Jimin smiled wide enough that it was difficult to see through his lids.

He was content.


Jimin felt excited. His heart was racing in his chest, his blood pulsing loudly through his veins.

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