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Daemon (noun)

1. Class. Myth. 

a. a god. 

b. a subordinate deity, as the genius of a place or a person's attendant spirit. 


a demon.



A noun. 

A thing. 

A object. 

A being.

A deity.

It breathes.

It twists and turns. 

It lives. 

It talks. 


Inside me.

Not just one. 

But many...


Inside of me, all I hear is a cacophony of voices...sometimes male, mostly female, all strangely seductive. The voice is almost touching my skin, my heart, my soul.

So close. 

So intimate.

It scares me. It intrigues me. It hurts me. It’s satisfying and horrifying at the same time. It makes me feel needed. It makes me want to dig out my heart and watching its beating ebb away. This twisted sense of affection, it truly is insane.

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