Part 1 Fire

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The girl with the demon fox

Naruko Uzumaki

Naruko POV:

I wake up to the smell of hot boiled ramen and the laughter shared between Iruka sensei and my twin brother Naruto. I slip on my sandals and take my sleeping cap off my head filled with messy blond hair.   I smile as I open the window and take in the fresh air. I feel it. Today is something special. I walk out of my bedroom and into the kitchen. We all share the same wide grin when I enter. They must feel it to.

“Good morning Naruko. Want some ramen?” Iruka sensai asks with a wide grin and I share one back.

“You bet I do. Hey Naruto, Pass some over here” Naruto smiles at me and passes a bowl.

Mmm Sweet and sour pork. My favourite. I look at Naruto, waiting for a signal. He nods at me. Our contest has begun.  We pick up our chopsticks and get to work. I will beat him.

“Woah guys calm down. Remember you both have a big day today. It is your first day as a qualified ninja and Kakashi sensai has something special planed for training. Something special? It has to be an amazing new jutsu. I finish my ramen at the same time as Naruto.

“Come on go get ready and I will walk you guys” Both Naruto and I nod and race to our rooms to get dressed.

I come out of my room with my hair nice and neat in two long pig tails. I walk to the bathroom and I see that Naruto is already there.



We begin to brush out teeth, standing side by side. I am wearing a black shirt matching with a long dark blue skirt and a purple jacket with the Uzumaki symbol on the back. I smile at my reflection in the mirror as I put on my headband. This is just the beginning.

We run out of the bathroom and past Iruka sensai. I don’t have time to wait for him.

“Naruto wait. You forgot your shoes”

Naruto stops and looks down at his bare feet. He starts to panic.

“I don’t have time for this today”

I shake my head. Of course he has to do something like that today.

“Don’t worry Naruto. I will go ahead and tell Kakashi that you will be late”

I smile at Naruto and Iruka and run through the village to where Kakashi is meeting us.

I run past the ramen shop and wave at the friendly faces there. I smile as the wind flows through my hair. The trees sway and the lanterns swing. The nature is so beautiful. The way that the flowers bloom like they don’t have a care in the world. Wait a minute. Something isn’t right. I look behind me and see Sasuke. He is a member of our new team and all the girls love him. Except me that is. All he does is glare at everyone. He’s alone. I can sense that but he never tries to be with others. He pushes others away. I wonder why.

“Naruko. Kakashi sensei sent me to find you and Naruto. Something is wrong”

I walk towards him. What is he talking about?

“What are you talking about Sasuke?”

“Shut up and let’s go already”

Jeez how rude. What does everyone see in this guy? I hear a loud disruptive crash in the distance followed by a faint scream. It’s faint but I know who screamed.

“Hurry up slowpoke. Let’s go” Sasuke yells at me with anger. There he is again being all high and mighty. I turn around towards the scream as my throat fills up with dryness.  I feel sweat fall down my forehead and I feel my legs freeze.

“Naruko. Now is not the time to play games. What are you..”

“Shut up Sasuke. Stop yelling at me. We are wasting time. Something bad is happening to Naruto and we are just standing around doing nothing”

I know he is surprised even though I can’t see him. I am about to run when Sasuke runs past me.

“Come on!” Sasuke yells. I chase after him, picking up speed so I get there as soon as possible. I have a bad feeling about this. I need to get there soon. I smell burning. Wood burning. Fire blazing.

“Naruto!” I scream and run inside our burning home.  

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