Friendship can be hidden love

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You and the boys are the best friends for the past 6years. You had a huge crush on Niall ever since you talked for the first time, but you were so good friends with eachother that you didn't want that to be ruined, so you didn't say anything.

You sat alone on the couch, being bored. When suddenly the boys knocked on your door.

Liam: 'Get ready [YN], we're going to the park''Okay, I'll go change' You got upstairs putting on your black shorts, converse and "Free Hugs" top on. You styled your hair and put some make-up on. When you were finally done, you got downstairs, the boys looked at you with big eyes and mounth open.

'What? Is it to much? Am I.. ugly?' you asked chocked.

Zayn:'No, not at all'

Louis:'[YN] you look..'

Harry and Niall:'HOT!!' You started to blush.

'Aww, thank you guys' You all got in the car to go to the park, cause it was an houre driving from your place *in the car* Louis was driving, Harry in the front seat and you, Zayn, Liam and Niall in the back. You had to sit on Liams lap cause there wasn't enough space. When you finally arrived at the park, you searched a nice place and put a blanket on the lightgreen grass.

All the boys were playing soccer, accept Harry.

'So, who is the lucky one' He asked with a smile on his face

'What do you mean?' You asked nervously.

'The one you have a crush on! Who's the lucky guy to be loved by our little girl?'

'Nobody, I don't have a crush on Niall!' When you realize that you said that you start turning red and looked down to the grass.

'You have a crush on Niall? How cute' Harry said softly.

'Yeah' you said shy

'Well, thats adorable that you, our little girl, has a crush' He said smiling. The boys were coming back to drink and they heard Harry saying

'..adorable that you, our little girl, has a crush'

'Ooh, [YN] is in love' They all said. You start blushing

'I'm not gonna say on who!'

Zayn whisperd 'Can you tell me?'

'No, only Harry knows and that's already to much'

'Thank you' Harry said annoying, but also smiling. The boys wanted to go home at Zayn's. You all agreed. You watched a movie and played some games. It was already 1am. Harry said smiling

'Let's play hide and seek in the dark?'

'But I'm afraid of the dark' You said scared.

'Then I will hide with you' Niall said winking at you. You felt your heart skip a beat and said

'Okay' happy. Liam had to count to a hundred. You all hide in the dark. Niall hold your hand so you didn't be afraid.

'We'll stay under the table in the kitchen' Niall suggest. You followed him under the table. You still were holding hands. Niall let go one hand and put on your cheeck, as he lean in to kiss you softly.

'I hope i'm the one!' He whisperd.

You kissed him 'Yes, you always will be the one'

He smiled and Liam turned the kitchen light on and saw you and Niall under the table

'Here they are' he yelled. You came out under the table as Niall kisses your cheeck.

'So you tolt him?' Harry asked

'Yeah, and now we'll be happy together' You said smiling. You all fall asleep on the floor, and Niall had his arm around your waiste while sleeping.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2012 ⏰

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