Chapther 6

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Penelope POV 

A few weeks  later

''There now it looks like a nice drawing that one can put on walls ''I said to myself as I was  adding finishing touches to my Venom drawing .

       Me and my parents and siblings had lived in Hanna for few weeks already and things could not be better. Ryleigh got fully paid scholarship from University which was great since it would relief a lot of financial things for all of us.

         My dad was doing great in his new work at Zoo as photographer  and he  was welcomed with open arms by all of his co-workers and my mom had gotten job in elementary school as arts teacher which was awesome and she was so happy about it because she loved to inspire people and I mean people of all ages to be creative and do their best and she even met a music teacher who also was a mom to twin boys Jarek and Nate which meaned that Eric and Jules had now friends  to play with.

         As for me -well let's just say I started to work at the comic book store to earn money for school and personal needs.
       I  worked at  same comic book store where now my uncle Fred and my friends Amanda and Trina  owned and it was awesome. I got to see new comics getting unpacked and put on sale and also I got my hands early on all newly released  comics .

  As for my personal life things were perfect-me and Chad and Mike  and Ryan and Jason  as well as Amanda and Felix and Trina did movie nights or hung out . 
I loved spending time with my newly gained friends because each of them were different in a good way and they were so nice and welcoming and always up for fun but  one of them stood out. 

It was Ryan.

Ever since that kiss in party I knew there was something about him that pulled me in but I could not put my finger on of what it was.  

       He was not like other guys who only cared about his needs-whenever we met he always wanted to hang out and chat as well get to know me which was refreshing from what I had experienced in the past .  I really liked him and I hoped he felt the same.

One night he, his brother and I went to Fox Lake Park & Helmer Dam to chill and  we three chat and bonded over the fact that  three of us  had moved from our hometowns to Hanna and kinda knew what I was going through .

When I  was with Ryan, Jason or even both of them I felt less alone because they knew what I went through when I moved with my family to Hanna leaving everything behind .

I continued to draw when suddenly my  mother's mom who was also known as my  grandma Erica ,who was living few houses away from  house I lived and had came over for visit and helped mom with boys dashed in my room.

She looked like an older version of my mom expect my grandma had bit lighter hair and her hair was longer.

As for her style she wore grey pants and blouse that had flowers on which looked beautiful and she had greish flats on and as for her hair it was made into mini bun.

She and I got along so well and we were close . Me and my sister stayed over for sleepover at her place from time to time. 

We would go to museums, watch films , go shopping or even cook delicious food that looked like it would be put in any great food magazine .

''Nelly?'' She asked as she usually did. She was only one who could call me Nelly and get away with it .
I turned to face her and said ''Yes nana whats up''.

She smiled and  said''You have a visitor , a strapping young lad around your age'', I beamed like cat and asked her ''How does he look like nana''

        She chuckled and said ''Brown hair hazel eyes really handsome boy around your age he is downstairs and he has a dog with him''. I then hopped up from my chair and sprinted downstairs with Rowdy following me and then I looked around and saw Ryan and his black labrador  waiting in living room.

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