Our True selves[Kim Namjoon FF] Chapter 1 -Seeing you again

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The present: 1:30pm in Korea, BigHit Entertainment premises.

You are a young beautiful curly haired woman wearing kente(Ghanaian traditional cloth) dress. You walk into the office of the CEO of BigHit entertainment. BigHit was one of the most successful entertainment agencies in South Korea.

The young man in the black blazer facing the window of the office was the new CEO of the same agency he was a trainee for some years back, but today wasn't about that story. Today was about the big contract he was supposed to sign for the future of the new trainees at the agency.

He knew this mystery woman who wanted to meet him in person before signing the contract with his company. He was snapped back to reality by the sound of the footsteps that seem to have approached his office. As he turned around, he wasn't emotionally or mentally prepared for what met with his eyes, or should we say, who met with his eyes.

"Hello, Mr. Kim, it's good to see you again." You said stretching forth your hand ready for a handshake while flashing that commercial smile that didn't reach your eyes.

Namjoon was taken aback by your presence even though he knew you were coming. Was it really you? Of course it was you. Nobody else had those dark brown curls and definitely not your brown smooth skin. You looked ravishing as always but he desperately needed to win against you this time. He quickly regained his composure ready to face you.

"Hello, Ms. Anderson, it's my pleasure to see you too."he said shaking your hand firmly and flashing a brighter smile. "So I take it that I am signing the contract with you as the representative of your company?"Namjoon asked

Yes, and I insisted coming today because I wanted to see you. I miss you. I was curious about how you were doing. But I can't tell you all of this and it hurts that I'm still not over you. You said internally.- Franca snap out of it. He was the one that left you, why are you still concerned about him.-you reprimanded yourself pulling a neutral face.

"Yes, I needed to make sure things went well. I can't trust anyone else with such an important contract."you answered his question making sure not to show any emotion on your face.

Of course you don't trust anyone on this planet except yourself. How can you trust when you are not trustworthy yourself? He thought to himself.

"Let's get down to business then if you don't mind." You said bringing out the contract from her designer bag.

"Sure." Namjoon replied reaching for a pen on his desk.

The contract signing didn't take that long to finish. You shook hands once again to officially seal the contract. When it was over, you left the office feeling all the emotions you thought had been buried.

And so was Namjoon.
He let's out a heavy sigh he didn't even know he was holding as soon as you left his office. He knew you were coming but shrug the possibility of feeling anything once he saw you again for the good of the new trainees at BigHit.

"Whoa, I thought she was going to look a bit old since it has been 6years but no. She actually looks more beautiful." aish, I should never say that out loud anywhere, especially not in her presence. Namjoon get a hold of yourself - he scolded himself for thinking of you.

Why was he still shaken by your presence? It didn't make sense to him as to how strange he felt after seeing you for the first time in 6years. You were the one that betrayed he trust and he shouldn't be bothered by merely seeing you again.

Streets of Seoul, 2:15pm.

"Hello love, how are you doing?" Icy your best friend said as soon as she answered your call.
"I saw him again Icy, I saw Namjoon again." You said in a rather sad tone. "Calm down Franca." She tried consoling you. Unlike her name, Icy was rather a warm person and the only childhood friend you had. She loves you and you love her as much as you love your family.

"How did you feel when you saw him again?" She asked. "My heart fluttered." You mumbled under your breath hoping she didn't hear you but she did.
"What?? Your heart did what?!" She half shouted at you. "No no no... That isn't what I meant." You tried desperately to make her think otherwise.

Icy hated Namjoon because of something that happened 6years ago. He hurt you so much, or at least you thought he did and the fact that you became miserable over the incident made your best friend hate him.

"You better not fall for him again you gorgeous idiot." She said letting out a chuckle.
"Was that an insult or a compliment?"
"Both." You two broke into laughter as soon as Icy said that before you added "Whatever you say ." She updated you about what was happening back in Ghana and you ended your conversation after a few minutes.

You walked into your apartment then it crossed your mind that you haven't called your family since you arrived. The clock in the room read 2:45pm which meant it was 5:45am in Ghana. You were still contemplating whether or not to call as it was pretty early back home when your phone started ringing. The caller ID read Angie as you picked the phone to answer. Angie was one of your three sisters. You were youngest of four girls. Your mom died when you were a freshman in high school so your were basically raised by your dad and your big sisters. Angie and you were especially close. Maybe because of the closeness in your age. She was 2years older.

"Hello Angie" you barely finished your sentence before she asked the question you knew almost too well she would.
"Franca, how many times have I told you to call home as soon as you arrive in a new place?" She said in a tone that was not harsh but heavy enough to scold you. " Fakye me (forgive me)" you said in Twi your local dialect before explaining yourself. Angie liked it when she was right so you used it against her.
"I have been busy from the minute my plane landed. How is Dad and everyone else?" You asked trying to avoid anymore scolding and it worked.

"Dad is fine. And if by 'everyone else' you meant Mavis and Pat, then yes they are good too. Too good if I must say so,since all they do is annoy me from the second you left." She whined.
"Don't worry, I'm sure it won't be long before they returned to their work anyway." You assured her since your other sisters worked in different cities and only came to visit your dad occasionally. "You are right. And it's good news to me. Almost music to my ears" Before you could say anything else, she quickly ended the call but not until she was done telling you that she was preparing to go to work.

Who thought your hot-headed sister would become such a responsible and reasonable adult who teaches English at your old high school. It was one character improvement that genuinely made you happy as you were lucky to see it happen before your own eyes.

What is it that is between Namjoon and Franca? Why were they behaving like that? Find out in the next upload soon. Thank you for reading and please give me your comments.

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