Chapter 2

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Valerie smiled to herself ever since that day she had felt like she was part of a family. Nina and Laura, had become as close as sisters to her and they were inseperable, even now they still kept in touch. Nick was like an older brother to everyone, and seemed to take care of all of them. Taking the blame when something went wrong or if anyone got into trouble which was such a shame that he died young with liver cancer, because he had drank himself to death. They had all tried to stop him. Trevor and Scott did manage to help him quit smoking, but Nick just would not quit drinking. Despite his drinking problem, Nick had always been there for his friends. Losing Nick, had changed them all in some way. His death had hit Nina hard. They had all helped her pull through. 

Eventually, Valerie found herself in the park. The thoughts of Trevor and her other friends had now put her in a solemn mood. Besides, Scott, Nina and Laura, who she met every other week, she had not seen or heard from, Trevor, for years now. They had all lost touch with him. Valerie, was deep in thought as she walked into the floral gardens of the park. She usually came here when she was not busy with work 

As Valerie rounded the corner she saw a couple ahead walking together. The man had his arm around the woman's shoulder, while she had her arm around his waist. Then, they stopped and he turned her to face him said a few words, Valerie did not hear what he said but stopped as she saw him go down on one knee. The woman, gasped. Valerie, held her breath too, as she realized the man was proposing to the woman. Valerie was still too far away to hear any of the man's word, but she had a pretty good idea what he must have been saying. 

Then the woman said one word, and screamed with glee as the man quickly rose up and hugged her, whirling her about. Valerie smiled as the woman obviously had accepted to be the man's wife. The smile on her face faded a little as the thoughts of the moment she got engaged with Tom were not the thoughts that came to her mind. 

Then she touched a silver bracelet on her left arm, and as soon as she did, Valerie knew what she felt was missing from her life. It was Trevor. The man she really wanted to be with. The bracelet on her wrist was a gift he had given her, and she had gotten so used to wearing it she had forgotten how much it really meant to her. 

How could she have been so stupid. Valerie thought to herself. She had thought Fred had changed. And she had chosen him over Trevor. To make things worse she had started avoiding Trevor, because she felt guilty for it. Even though Trevor had said he was alright with it. 

Now here she was in her room debating whether or not to call Trevor and tell him how she really felt. They were issues she had wanted to settle with Fred at the time she had made the decision to stay with him and she still had feelings for him. But she had regretted her decision every day afterwards. Trevor, had been there for her even when she had hurt him with her choice. She knew because he had called a couple of times afterwards and talked as if nothing was wrong. But she had made things worse by not picking up his calls later because she had been feeling guilty. 

Trevor, was a little worried in the last five days, Valerie had been avoiding him. She did not pick up his calls and had not responded to any of his texts. He was trying his best not to let it get to him, because he did not want to let her decision get between them. As he walked he thought to himself. So what she had chosen her ex over him. He loved Valerie enough to let her go and be happy with someone else. Trevor, just hoped whoever she chose did not hurt her, then he turned into a shop. 

Trevor, entered the jewellery store. He was here because he wanted to buy something for Valerie, because he had decided to go over to her house later that afternoon. Trevor spent almost an hour trying to find something Valerie would like. Then he found it. Perfect, it's her favorite colour. Trevor, thought to himself with a smile, he quickly paid for the bracelet and set off straight for Valerie's house, whistling all the while with a spring in his step. 

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