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Jinyoung sat at the dining table, thinking.

So Jaebum likes me huh?  Wow, never thought he would like someone like me.

Jaebum woke up from his nap to see Jinyoung sitting at the dining table, in a daze. He smiled at Jinyoung.

"Wassup Jinyoungie." Jaebum said all smiley.

Jinyoung gave him a blank look.

"So you like me huh?" Jinyoung said.

"What? What do you mean?" Jaebum was utterly surprised. How did Jinyoung know. Was he too obvious. Did his gay show too much.

"You know what I mean Jaebummie." Jinyoung sternly said.

"Why do you like me!?"

Jaebum didn't know what to say.

"I-I like you because i do okay? You can't stop me from doing so."

Jinyoung got so mad he went to Jaebum and slapped him right across the face and started crying.

"I tried not to like you Jaebum. I tried and I tried. I didn't want to fall for someone like you. Why do you even like me? Let's avoid each other for now."

"No Jinyoung don't. Please Jinyoung don't do this."

Jinyoung then went out of the dorm and slammed the door shut.

Jaebum had tears streaming down his cheeks.

My Roommate Partner//JJPWhere stories live. Discover now