Latula & Mituna

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Mituna [MITUNA] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~

Latula [LATULA] joined chat. ~~ 2 ~~

MITUNA: W33W00W33W00W33W00W33W00W3W333WW000W3330W300


LATULA: wh4t 4r3 you do1ng dud3?

MITUNA: H07713 4L3R7 8D


LATULA: 4w H3LL y34h!


LATULA: th4t w4s SMOOTH c4ptor. th4t sh1t c4lls for 4 k1ll3r h1gh-f1v3.

LATULA: put 3m UP!

MITUNA: Y3444H4444H!!!! *JUMP5 UP 4ND H1GH-F1V35* >>8DD

LATULA: *Sh3 g1v3s h1m on3 of h3r notor1ously BRUT4L 4nd P41NFUL h1gh-f1v3s* BOO Y34H!!!!

MITUNA: *F4LL5 70 7H3 GR0UND* HQH4HQHQQHQ 7H47 5H17 HUR7 8U7 17 W45 W0RH7 177H!! >>8DD

LATULA: *Sh3 l4ughs loudly* you KNOW 1t! s3r1ously b4by 1v3 b33n g1v1ng you w1ck3d h1gh-f1v3s for3v3z. you th1nk 4ll you guys would b3 us3d to 1t by now!!!!

LATULA: gu3ss som3 p33pz 4r3nt r4d1c4l 3nough to h4ndl3 1t. 1 know you 4r3 for 4 f4ct though.

MITUNA: Y344H 1 4M!! *574ND5 UP 4ND 5M1L1NG W1D3* H4H4H4!!

LATULA: h3h3h3h3h. *Sh3 gr1ns, b34m1ng 4t h1m* so h3y tun4 wh4tch4 b33n up to?

MITUNA: 4HH! Y4 KN0W!! 8331NG R4D1C4L 4ND 57UFF!!! M337 50MM3 W3331RDD P30PL3 7H0...R34LLY...FUK1N W31D 5UM 0F 7H3M W4N73D...HU5G5 >8( 8U7 11 4M F1N3 N000W WHW7 480U7 Y0U 7UL4!! 8D

LATULA: w31rd p3opl3 w4nt1ng hugs??? d3fz h4v3 n3v3r h34rd of th4t b3for3... 1m do1ng w4y cool too though!!!! just 4 l1l t1r3d 4nd junk. you f33l m3.

MITUNA: Y34H 1 D0!! 1M V33RY 71R3D 8U7 1'LL 574Y UP F0R Y0U 8DD

LATULA: 4ww b4b3s th4ts so sw33t! but 1f your3 h3ll4 t1r3d you GOTT4 g3t som3 sl33p. *Sh3 str3tch3s 4 b1t, y4wn1ng qu13tly* th1nk 1 could go for 4 n4p too...

LATULA: l3mm3 gu3ss. d1d you st4y up r34l l4t3 g4m1ng too or?

MITUNA: Y3444H...Y0U G07 M3 8) 8U7 1 W45 4LM057H F1N15H 4ND 1 H4D 70 8347 7H47 G44M3!! 4ND 1 D1D

LATULA: 1ts k m4n 1 d1d th3 s4m3 th1ng. 3xc3pt. 1m not n34rly f4r 3nough 1n th4t b1z to b3 don3 w1th 1t. not y3t 4t l34st. wh4t g4m3 w3r3 you pl4y1ng?

MITUNA: 17H C4LL3D 8UZZ 0FF....7H15 0N3 7R0LL W45 83471NG M3 47 17 8U7 7H3N 1 8347H H15 H1GH5C0R3!! >8D

LATULA: ooh h3ll Y34H! th3y dont c4ll you g4m3bro for NUTH1N.

MITUNA: H4H4H H3LL4 Y344H!!! >8D

LATULA: how much sl33p d1d you th1nk you g3t?

MITUNA: 480U7 7W0 H0UR5 8) H4H..


LATULA: 4lr1ght th3n 1ts b3dt1m3 b4b3 l3ts go.

MITUNA: Y34H 1KR!! 1 H4D 7W0 G37 MY R4DD1C4L 5L33P 4H4H4H4


LATULA: *Sh3 t4k3s h1s h4nd, y4wn1ng 4nd w4lk1ng w1th h1m to h1s h1v3* j33z... TWO hours??? how 4r3 you 3v3n 4w4k3 r1ght now?

MITUNA: 8) Y0U 4R3 H3R3 4ND 1 D0N7H W4NN4 L34V3 Y0U 4L0N3

LATULA: 4w... *Sh3 sm1l3s 4t h1m* th4ts r34l sw33t of you dud3 but 1d r4th3r you g3t som3 sl33p TH3N w3 h4ng out. or w3 could 4lw4ys t4k3 4 n4p tog3th3r.

MITUNA: Y3444H!! 4 N4P 50UND7H GRRR3447!! 8D

LATULA: 1 b3t! 1 dunno tun4... you s33m 4 l1l mor3 3n3rg3t1c th4n usu4l. do you th1nk 1ts just m3?

MITUNA: N4WH...1M JU57 V3RY 71R3D WH3N 1M 3XC173D 4ND 3XC173D WH3N 1M 71R3D!! D0 Y0U G37H M3?

MITUNA: 0R...15 17 7H3 07H3R W4Y 4R0UND


LATULA: ooh 1 gotch4! th4t m4k3s p3rf3ct s3ns3


LATULA: 1 dunno wh3n 1m t1r3d 1m l1k3 th3 pol4r oppos1t3 of 3xc1t3d. 1 k1nd of w4nt to doubl3 d13 wh3n 1m r34lly t1r3d. you f33l m3?


LATULA: *Sh3 push3s h3r gl4ss3s up onto h3r h34d, rubb1ng h3r 3y3s* your h1v3 1s l1k3 r1ght 4round th3 corn3r r1ght>

MITUNA: *H3 Y4WN5 4ND 15 R34LLY 71R3D* L375 HURRY...1 71R3D7H.

LATULA: m3 too... *Sh3 w4lks up to h1s h1v3, l34n1ng 4g41nst h1m sl33p1ly now, st1ll hold1ng h1s h4nd*

MITUNA: *H3 5M1L35 4ND P1CK5 H3R UP* Y0UR 7W0 71R3D 70 W4LK?

LATULA: *Sh3 g1ggl3s, wr4pp1ng h3r 4rms 4round h1s n3ck 4nd cl1ng1ng to h1m* y34h... 4 l1ttl3. th4nks b4by. *Sh3 p3cks h1s ch33k l1ghtly*

MITUNA: *H3 8LU5H35 4ND G1GGL35* *H3 574R75 W4LK1NG 70 7H3 R3C00P3R4C00N 4ND H3 5375 H3R D0WN* 8)

MITUNA: ((...well I gtg bye))

Mituna [MITUNA] disconnected.

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