2 - The Other's Begining

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Begining of writing this chapter: This one won't be as long as the first chapter, more like half as much.

After writing the chapter: omg it's even longer. @o@

(Edit: I've finished editing on some details on this chapter, may be a little jumbled though... you've been warned!)


Error's P.O.V.-

I closed my eyes as I fell into the infinite and vast darkness. Letting the sounds of the faint voices covered by static consume me and tear me apart time and space. Yes, it was unimaginably painful at first, but I got used to pain after so long of being the forced destroyer. But I couldn't care any less. Cause' for once in my endless life, I almost felt at peace.


The pain then suddenly stopped, along with the scattering, yet the static noises still continued. I then felt a warm, comforting presence hold me close as if wrapping me in a warm blanket. The presence was so calm that I began to fight the urge to sleep. The moment it came I could feel myself being slowly pulled back together. Then I heard a soft, feminine voice speak over the void's static.

"I wish I could of been here sooner, my child. But worry not, for you are now safe. You're free."

Free? Safe? Those where words I thought I would never get the privilege to have nor use. For Fate is an absolute bEACH.

"I'm very sorry for having to do this, my child." The voice spoke again with deep concern in her voice.

After that moment, I could somehow feel my code being altered. It felt weird, like when you get those chills down your spine before you realize something's different. It was basically that but a lot more weird chills. But the weirdest thing was, that it made me feel small and weak. I leaned toward the warm presence for comfort before drifting to sleep for the first time in eons...


((half awake/asleep but can hear and feel)Idk)

I felt like I was falling. Yet, I kept my eyes closed afraid of what I'll see. But just in case, I braced myself for a REALLY strong hug with the ground. I stayed like this for a while until-


I crashed onto a cold, hard object. Before being turned over and being crushed under what felt like a mountain. The smell was almost unbearable, but I've had worse so it's alright.

'Owwww that hurt...' I whimpered from the pain after hitting and being crushed. I couldn't move, so all I could do was whimper from all the pain and confusion. I stayed like this for what felt like hours on end. But I eventually began to hear faint shuffling coming from someone. I held my breath, did Inky find me? Oh fUNK no, he can't see me like this... Oh no, no, no..

I began to panic, letting out a loud whimper in the process.

The shuffling stopped, oh no..

I heard the sounds become louder and closer. Then began to dig into the mountain I was under. I began to panic even more, along with the my short cries and whimpers. As the weight on me became lighter, I curled into myself as the closest way to protect myself.

When the mountain was pretty much gone, I still kept my eyes shut and acted like I was still fully asleep. Even though it will all be in vain, for Inky will just hurt me no matter my condition.

But the moment I was exposed, I didn't feel any pain, nor yelling about calling Inky. But I couldn't risk opening my eyes to see why, I just couldn't.

Bitty Forced Destroyer [REALLY slow updates(might As Well  Be Discontinued :/)]Where stories live. Discover now