Brady Farrar

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This story was requeted by TrinGoofybutt check her out!

Trinity's POV:

Today was nationals, and I was performing a solo! I was about to go on stage. Brady gave me a bear hug and whispered to me a good luck. Me and Brady have been friends since the first week of dance moms. And I've always had a crush on brady but it's not the time to think about that.

Solo: Red

I went off stage and I started to cry a little. My wig fell off during a national performance.

Abby's POV:

Trinity messes up the solo. I can't belive it. There's no way were getting 1st place with the solo.


2nd place is Trinity with 'Red'.

Trinity got her award with a sad smile. I so embarrassed plus her mother should've put her wig on properly.

(In the dressing room)

Brady's POV:

I feel so bad for Trinity so did the other girls we all gave a group hug so did the mothers. I've always had a crush on Trinity and today I going to confess to her. I'm still going to confess but I don't think right now.

I thought after the national awards and when we were in the dressing room. I would pull out roses that I hid under my moms stuff, and ask out trinity.

My thoughts were interuted when Abby came in. "Trinity you had an easy solo that you nailed during pratice!! But when it's time for a national performance you failed!! You should be gratful you 2nd place cause if I was a judge you wouldn't even place!!" Trinity started to cry I went of over to Trinity and hugged her. Then Abby started to yell at her mom.

"And you should have but in her wig right!! Cause when peoples wigs falls during a performance it looks unprofessional and stupid!!" Trinity's mom nodded not wantimg to make Abby more mad than she is. "So Disappointed." Abby whispered and left the room.

Trinity pulled away from my hug and started to wipe of her makeup and went into the bathroom to change.

The room was silent everyone was worried for Trinity. I was already changed into my normal chothes. A few minutes later, Trinity came out. Her and her mom left the room. I quickly got the roses and went after trinity.

Trinity's POV:

My mom was packing my stuff in the car. I was about to get in the car untill I heard a voice call my name. "Trinity wait, I need to tell you something!" I turned around to see Brady. I also see him hiding something behind his back.

I told Mom to wait in the car so I can talk to Brady, she nodded. I walked over to Brady. "What do you need to talk about?" "Well Trinity I've always liked you for a long time ever since week one, and I wanted to confess to you right now. So I hope you feel the same." He shows me what he was hiding behind his back. It was a bouquet of roses it looks so beautiful I looked at Brady and said. "I liked you too, Brady. Since we became best friends. I want to be your girlfriend as well." I gave Brady a little kiss on the cheek.

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