Chapter 1

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A/N: This story was previously titled "The Girl With The Butterfly Tattoo".

I stood on the beach with my surfboard, watching the waves crash onto shore. I breathe in the salty sea air as I close my eyes. I couldn't imagine living anywhere except across from the beach. In a couple of weeks I will soon find out what it would be like when my parents and I move away. I still didn't understand why we needed to go. There was no reason. Although for my parents there was a reason - Tiffany. They no longer wanted to live in the apartment we lived in for twenty five years - eighteen for me - all because of what happened to her six weeks ago. They feel there wasn't any reason to live here anymore. Too many memories they tell me.

I push the thoughts out of my head and ran for the sea. Surfing always helped me to keep my mind off my problems. Sometimes Tiffany would surf with me. Now that she wasn't here, I miss being able to surf with her.

I paddle out on my board. I sit there for a few minutes as I waited for a wave. When I spot one, I paddle to catch it and then stand up on the board, surfing it to shore until I wipe out. I paddle out a couple of times, not really caring about anything that I have to do today. I have work in an hour. The good thing about today is I get to finish early and enjoy the remainder of 2016. If I was able to, I could surf all day.

"Hey, Riley!"

I turn to see my good friend Rhett standing on the shore, waving to me. He was already dressed in his board shorts, a shirt with a sunset and black palm trees printed on the front, and thongs, ready for work. We both work at a surf shop down near the shops across from Manly Beach. It was a ten minute walk from our place. Rhett lives on the bottom floor of our three storey block of flats. We have been friends since we were five.

I wave to him and then grab my board, heading back to shore.

"Morning, Rhett," I greet him.

"How are the waves this morning?"

I smile at him. "Oh man, fantastic. You should surf with me later."

"I will see. Maybe after work I could surf for a while."

We walk across the sand towards our block of flats so I could change out of my wet suit.

"Are you still coming to the party tonight on Kaylie's father's yacht?" Rhett asks me.

Rhett had asked me if I wanted to attend his girlfriend's party on her father's yacht that he allowed her to borrow a week ago. It was only going to be a small party, sitting on the Sydney Harbour, getting a good view of the Harbour Bridge for the New Year's fireworks.

I promised him I will come along, but I wasn't really sure if I wanted to. The past two months have been hard. I haven't been getting out much, and when I do it's mostly to work, the shops or the beach. I wasn't in a party mood to celebrate the New Year. It wasn't going to be a happy New Year for my family. I want to spend the evening with my parents, but I know they will tell me to go have fun.

"So I told Kaylie this morning that we will meet her near the wharf after work," Rhett tells me as we cross the road.

"There won't be many places left on the harbour after four."

"I know. She and her Dad are getting a spot this morning. She has her friends helping her set up the party for tonight. And then when we finished with work she is going to come get us in her Dad's speed boat. He will be taking it and leaving us on the yacht for the night."

I give him a half smile. "Sounds great, Rhett."

I press the intercom for my apartment. Mum answers it and buzzes me in. Rhett walks up to the third level with me.

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