Part 2

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The USPR, because of its military way of thinking, always prepared for the worst and just like when they were going to activate the L-gates, sent a sizeable force to the strange object. There are over 3,000 ships not counting the 15 Titan class ships. Each Titan had a tachyon lance with kinetic artillery as weapons and nano bot cloud. The reason for such a build up was because when the L-gates were activated, they sent an unknown signal that awoke the nanites in the L-cluster and activated every previously dormant L-gate. Some empires,including some of their allies were destroyed in the initial assault and by the end of the endless onslaught of machines only the USPR was the one left standing save for a few other empires who were barely a shadow of their former selves, needles to say the USPR took the chance to expand and absorbed the remaining 'empires'. Each fleet consisted on one Titan, 200 ships, and an admiral on the Titan, they all chose to make a plan on what to do in any possible scenario after finding out what it was when A.I.s hacked into its systems, which ranged from finding a barren system worth nothing except that it provides a location for a new ring world to a new L-gate scenario. After finalizing and working the kinks out, gave the order to activate the gate.

UWS=Union Warship

HWS=Hierarchy Warship

116th Patrol fleet H

HWS-Shield of Palaven

Kanus was looking out into the stars when he was informed that relay 614 was activated.

 "Tell me what the situation is on the relay." He ordered 

 The captain of the ship answered him and said "About a minutes ago the relay was activated from the other side, no one was seen activating it from this side."

 " So we got a few law breakers, prep the fleet to move in and see if you can send a few probes to see what's on the other side.

When they sent a few probes through they lost connection and sending more probes didn't work either, so they sent in five frigates. The captains of the frigates panicked when they saw 3,000+ plus ships and thought it was an invasion force. The USPR worked on trying to get into the alien systems and to their surprise had full control of the ships in a few moments and stopped them from going back. It took half an hour for the A.I.s to get a translation complete.

Admiral Salem Kotch  had the honors of being the one to initiate first contact after he and the other admirals pulled straws.

 "Attention unknown space craft this is the UWS-Indomitable, you have entered USPR space, state your intentions or be fired upon." 

The Turians voted on captain Galus to answer them.

 "My name is captain Galus of the Turian Hierarchy onboard the HWS-Swift and we are here for the unauthorized activation of this mass relay." He tried to keep his voice as steady as possible, but when some unknown takes full control of your ship and has 3000+ ships ready to fire on you, you tend to panic or get nervous. 

General Kanus was starting to get impatient because of how long it's been since he sent the scouts across and thought that they were dead and following another Turians foot steps ordered his patrol fleet of 50 ships, 6 heavy cruiser, 9 light cruisers, and 35 frigates went through the relay, forgetting what happened at relay 314. When he arrived at the other relay and saw the huge fleet he had three thoughts 1. This race is not new to sppace, 2. This is most likely their home system, 3. The Turian Hierarchy has more than a few thousand ships. But at the same time knew he couldn't win this battle and sent a signal  through the relay about what he found.

The A.I.s were surprised by new arrivals which let them send a message across.

Kotch have the new arrivals the same 'greeting' he gave to the five corvettes. They said the same thing as the ones who came before. 

The Hierarchy received the message Kanus sent and learning from relay 314 told the Council, the Council a little alarmed by the number of ships assembled their own fleet which numbered 6.7 thousand they told the barbarians that any prisoners they captured would be considered dead when the new race was out under the guidance of the Council. They also used as way to help make the Humans feel like they are part of the Council after the Turians blunder at first contact with them.

A/N my friend told me there were was a Human fallen empire and a Human starting empire in the same play through once.

The Asari has a 'perfect plan' to indict them into the Council, first they would show them their strength , then open dialogue through a meld, and finally put them under council control. However the USPR fought off an onslaught of nanites before and took their technology for themselves.

Kotch was not concerned when 6.7thousand ships appeared 7 days after he captured the Turian ships and knew what they would want when the Council showed up and what they thought this system was, so he ordered most the army detachment to go planetside and tell any able bodied civilians to fortify Shanxi and make a victory a pyrrhic victory, should fighting ensue and succeeded at great cost the planet's environment. The Turians they captured never got the chance to actually see Shanxi proper because the A.I.s hacked their systems. Kotch was told his reinforcements of 5.3thousand ships were a jump away and ordered to blitzkrieg the Council of they became hostile. The Council thought it would be easy to make the new race join them, but quickly realized it wouldn't when they saw the massive 15 kilometer long ships that made the Destiny Ascension look like an Alliance fighter and then the countless dreadnought sized ships in their fleet ,but still thought they were better since they outnumbered them and detected no eezo on their ships which was the basis of all technology, well to them atleast. 

Kotch knew how they would think since he studied psychology before being drafted into the military and found his true calling in life. He was also not very surprised to find a fourth humanity but surprised they were a part of the Council, it would not change anything. 

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