chapter three

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Hello my sad kitties, another chapter here 😝 enjoy

7:26 sapphires view

Waiting quietly on our beds, words away. Both lost in thought, a familiar feeling trapped her in her mind.

"Breakfast" our room nurse alarms us, to wake us up to reality. We walked out of the room and headed to the huge cafeteria the nurse not to far behind us.

"Today is friday, pancake day my name is Rachel by the way" she pronounced with a wide smile.

" which means spirts are high among residents" camila whispered jokingly  when our nurse was far behind. I let out a small snicker. I walked toward the cafeteria tables. pouring the weakest and watered down tasting coffee ever made from the nurse station. She wiffted in the smell of pancakes,eggs,bacon,grits, and cereal thats also served in the cafeteria which reminded her of her elementary school years. When everything wasent so bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2019 ⏰

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