chapter 17 toothless finds hiccup

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Issa: ok lets continue .
It shows the arena.
Stoick: ok hiccup now write down what could have caused you to have a cracked tooth?
Then hiccup wrote something and showed it to them.
Note: someone gave me a meatball that turned out to have rocks inside of it so now I'm a little worried that I might hurt someone.
Stoick smiled at hiccup.
Snotlout: don't worry hiccup we'll help you!
Snotlout smiled.
Hiccup: aw th-
Then a tentacle slapped tuffnut im the face and went back to hiccup.
Everyone winced ehile ruffnut holded tuffnut check
Ruffnut: okay now we definitely need to get that thing fixed.
Tuffnut: i got it!
Then tuffnut pulled out a hammer.
Hiccup eyes widen as tuffnut started to run to him.
Toothless was firing at the forcefield that was scaring tuffnut alot.
Tuffnut: rrrraaawww!
But then barf and belch appeared.
Everyone eyes widen.
Tuffnut: aaaaaahhhhh!
Then stromfly,hookfang and meatlug appeared.
Stoick: gggrrrrr.
Then toothless appeared which they gasped.
Astrid: the.....vampire prince.
Toothless glared at them with anger.
Hiccup: ok ok eveyrone calm down!
Then toothless sees hiccup.
Toothless: hiccup!
Then toothless hugs hiccup.
Hiccup: ok.......toothless i.....cant breath........
Hiccup: yes please I would like to live if I wasn't even bear crushing hug that would possibly kill me.
Toothless: oh.
Then toothless lets go of hiccup.
Hiccup: ok everyone ill explain whats going on here.
Issa: oh thor.
Author: hey guys so i hope you enjoy this chapter and ill see you guys in the next chapter bye!

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