Chapter Two

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"John, stop!" I yell, slamming into the door of the barn, throwing it open.

John jumps at the sound of my entrance, turning from where he turns by the gate to the sheep pen. "Darling, I thought you-" 

"Please don't kill her." I interject, walking towards him. "Please don't." 

He sighs, "Darling, you don't understand." 

"I do." I claim, lie even. 

The door behind me opens and Edith rushes in. "Darling, you don't need to be in here, come on." 

"No," I say, rather firmly and then to John. "Look, I don't know a lot about gods, Pottix or whatever but I don't think that they care about how many sheep someone has." I glance behind him into the pen, though I couldn't see if he had sone the deed or not. "Had?" 

He steps aside, showing the lamb still in the corner, napping now with her mother, who was cautiously watching us. I couldn't blame her after all the noise we had been making. 

"I haven't yet." John assures. 

"Please don't." I beg. "Please, she doesn't deserve it." 

"It would be in bad worship not to, Darling. I've done it for years." 

"And what about when the other sheep has their babies? Will you kill them too?" 

He looks away from me and I remember him saying something about keeping his amount of sheep under control. He's done it for years. I shake my head, conjuring a plan quickly. "Then how about you sell her to me." 

The offer catches him off guard. "What?" 

"Sell her to me. I'll work for her. Who knows, I may have been a farmhand in my last life." I shrug innocently. "And that way, you won't own thirteen sheep, you'll own twelve and I'll own one." I look between the two. "Would that work?" 

"And when the other sheep are born?" Edith asks softly. "What if there is only one?" 

"Then, then," I stutter, licking my lips. "Then I'll sell her back to you. You'll own fourteen then." 

John and Edith exchange looks over my shoulder and I wait patiently for their verdict on the creatures life. Finally, John sighs. "Fine, you'll keep her. But you're in charge of her." 

I sigh in relief, looking back at Edith, who seems equally relieved as I do. She pokes me in the shoulder. "You silly girl." She laughs and jerks her head towards the house. "Come on, then. Let's go make breakfast.


"You're coming with me today?" Edith asks. 

We stand beside the wagon, John behind us filling it with all of Ediths colored yarns that were ready to sale. A rainbow of yarn, showing off each persons work. 

I nod at her. "If you'll let me, I would like to go. I've already taken care of the sheep and my chores are done for the morning. John said I could, if you let me." 

Edith narrows her eyes but smiles at the same time before humming. "If you're sure, I don't want you to get overwhelmed." 

"If I do, I'll just hide with you until you're done. You've told me so much about Bravine and now I think I'm ready to see it." 

John, finished loading the yarn, steps up to us. "I think she'll be fine. What's the worse that can happen?" 

"See?" I say to Edith, pointing at her husband. 

"You two are a terrible duo. Very well, get in." She jerks her chin towards the front seat and then looks at John. "We'll be back before dark." 

"Be careful." He says, kissing her as I climb up into the seat. He points at me. "Don't get into too much trouble." 

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