one sided love part one!

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Quick authors note:this is my bakudeku story! Enjoy! Warning this has some strong messages like self harm and depression so read at your own risk!

Deku's pov:it'sValentine's day and I have no date! But this is nothing new. I've never had a actual date before! I've only ever spent the day hanging out with all my queer friends! Uraraka is lesbian! Todoroki is gay! Iida is pan! And asui is bisexual! I'm bisexual also! We all have a plan to go to the ramen shop. When we got there we saw bakugou sitting there with kirishima. We walked over and Iida blurted out "hello classmates!" Me and Uraraka let out a small laugh! Bakugou heard us and yelled "what the fuck are you laughing at extras?!" We laughed even louder. He then got up and left! Kirishima ran after him and said "wait up for me!" We sat down and ordered our food and when it came out todoroki moved next to me and said "hello midorya!" He gave me such a warm smile I've never seen before! Even Uraraka was shocked by this! I laughed and said "hi todoroki?" He looked me straight in the eyes and said "are you okay? You seem more anxious today?" I was really hoping no one would notice this! I was anxious cuz today I was gonna ask out asui! I lied and said "of course I'm ok! Why wouldn't I be?" He shrugged his shoulders and ate his food! When after we all ate me went to my house to play video games! When we arrived todoroki went to the back of the house and told us he'd be "right back!" When he came back he was holding MY DIARY! I knew it was mine when he read one of my poems it read "roses are red violets are blue my heart beats for you and only you!" I jumped out of my seat and yelled "why are you going through my personal belongings?!" He laughed and yelled "izuku wrightes poems!" They all turned to look at me and Uraraka said "cool!" I kicked them out and locked my book in my bedroom locker! So I never got to ask out asui!
Bakugou's pov:after I yelled at deku and roundface at the ramen shop I went home and locked my self in my room! When my mom knocked on the door I yelled "go the fuck away you old hag!" She left and said "what ever you little fucking brat!" Once she left I went over to my closet and grabbed my pride flag and danced around the room! No one knows that I do that but it's fine that no one knows I'm gay. My dad knocked and said "can I come in?" I quickly hid my flag and said "sure!" I let my dad in cuz I get along with him more than I do with my mom.When he walked in he asked "i heard some jumping around up here! You ok?" I nodded my head and with that he walked out the room! I was so weird towards my parents cuz I still have not came out of the closet yet to either of them! They would just hate me! Right? With that  thought in my mind I couldn't sleep or eat! I just threw up everything I ate and I got bad headaches when I tried to sleep! Around two am I couldn't sleep and I didn't know why so I tried to eat some toast I threw up almost instantly! My mom heard and ran to the kitchen were I was sitting on the floor puking and yelled "what the fuck?! Are you ok katsuki-kun?!" I couldn't talk cuz well I was too busy puking up my guts! My dad helped me up to the bathroom and called the doctor! I'm the morning I woke up in a hospital bed and yelled "where the fuck am I?!" A doctor walked in and said "sir please calm down? You are at the hospital!" My mom then walked in and said "so do you know what might have caused it to happen so suddenly? Before we called I checked his temperature and he wasn't sick!" The doctor whispered into my mom's ear "i think it's because he's hiding something or doesn't want to tell you guys something! I'm short I think it was caused by stress." My mom walked over to me and said "is there anything you want to talk about?" I quickly shook my head and said "nope! I'm fine nothing's wrong!" She could tell I was lying but she handed me my school clothes and pointed to the bathroom and said "go get ready for school." I obeyed her and got ready! She drove me to school but before I got out of the car she handed me a black surgical mask and said "here wear this and don't talk to anyone!" I took it and put it on my face then walked into school! But as soon as she drove away I took it off and threw it in my pocket! Today I wore a long sleeve shirt with my rainbow bracelet under it! My mom didn't notice that I had it in my pocket. Kiri and me got into an argument and I tried to leave but he grabbed my arm and pulled up my sleeve by accident and everyone saw my bracelet and started staring at me! I ran away and hid in the bathroom stall!
Deku's pov:I decided to follow kachann into the bathroom! I ran in and asked "are you ok?" He. opened the stall and said "do I look ok?" I have him a little hug. Usually he would push me away but not this time! This time he melted into the hug! He then asked me "how did you tell your mom that you weren't straight?" I then remembered the bracelet and said "show her your bracelet and if that doesn't work tell your dad." He thanked me and left the bathroom.

Authors pov:so hey guys this was a looooooong one and my story's will only get longer from here! Until next time my little kittens! 🐱 also Get yeeted💓

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2019 ⏰

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