Chapter 6.

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{a/n: My grammar may be off. Had no time to edit :( }

1 month later.


'' Here's to Ro! '' They all cheered as they sat across the bar. Pass the people in this jazzy bar. Cheering on Rosalie for busting another criminal.

She once again was beautiful. Not that I would ever think of her differently. I've been watching her for a month now and I still am not bored of watching her life by the sidelines.

It's like a guilty pleasure of mine to watch her. I hate how compelled I am to her. How stunning she is in her red dress tonight matched with red heels that look absolutely dashing on her feet. Her hair in an elegant bun.

She stood out and I know that's what I love. How different yet normal she is. She was a normal girl just working for the FBI. However , I could tell she was diffrent then other ladies. From watching her I can study her reactions and routines. From what I see she was a rare gem in this chest full of rocks.

As I sit here sipping on my cup of red wine. Camouflage from here view by the mass of people in the bar. I was invisible something I liked and didn't. I wanted her to know me yet I don't want her to deal with my line of work.

Working for the TBC was not a life for anyone to go through. I did this not for America or for justice. I did it because as bad as it sounds. I enjoy slaughtering the bad people in this cruel world. I consider myself a killer and someone as sweet as here shouldn't deal with it.

'' Wow thanks guys for this 10th shot but I should head out. '' Rosalie said as she laughed and put down the small glass onto the round wooden table. Her friends agent Prew , Agent Reed , Agent Quincy , and that weird guy Sigi were sad for her departure but soon bidded goodbyes.

Soon enough I was prepared to leave and follow her but staying hidden as usual. Things didn't go as planned.

Stepping out the brick built bar into the cold winds and pavement of Brooklyn. I felt a gun point to my head. Soon for the first time she spoke to me.

'' Who . The . Hell. Are you? '' She spoke sternly. I was caught of guard and I almost suspected everything. I was surprised.

'' Well. well . well. Rosalie put the gun down. '' I said and She didn't budge. She was cautious Its intriguing .

'' Who are you? '' She said and I slowly turned to face her. Closer than ever I now could see her freckles up close. Her blue eyes.

'' Just call me Styles. '' I said as I quietly reached into my back pocket for my chloroform towel. It was ready to put anyone to sleep.

'' Styles. Why are you following me? Do you work for Gutieri? '' She said and I almost laughed. If only she knew I had just staged a suicide with Gutieri hour ago. Her phone must be off. The reason why? Simple. I did It for her.

'' No. '' Soon enough I knocked the gun out of her hand and quickly covered her mouth with chloroform sending Ed into a deep slumber.

Let me tell you that as I picked her up bridal style and carried her through the allies of Brooklyn to 4 blocks away. Where I got in a cab bringing her with me. I arrived soon at her flat. Bringing her up to her door I Layed her on a nearby wall. Trying to stay discreet. I wasn't suppose to be in the open. Especially with her. That's putting her in danger.

She was beautiful as ever as I looked back one more time before heading into the darkness and away from her. Not forgetting to knock on the door before leaving.

From the shadows I could see her roommate. Whoever she was open the door. She sighed before waking Rosalie up. Rosalie looked confused at first and looked around before going into her flat. I couldn't help but smirk.

She was clever. She had found out about me watching her when I had been sure of my hiding.

This is why she intrigued me. She never failed at surprising me. She was a very surprising person. Someone I couldn't read. Someone who was unpredictable. That I admired deeply.

{ a/n: Your mad at me. I know. I have been off the grid for a week I think. Sorry. I thought you guys hated this story. However you all proved me wrong by giving me over 200 views. That's incredible. Thanks so much! Please follow me and comment your thoughts on any of my books. Don't be a ghost reader! If I get a bit motivation to update surely Id do it more often. Luff U , Vi }

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