Chapter -8

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"I think we should get her married", Laksh said.

"But don't you think it is too early  to get her married?", Payal asked.

"It may be too early but, we won't get such match again. We have to not spend a single penny for this marriage, just think", Laksh said.

"Ya you are right ,but what does that guy does?", Payal asked.

"He works in a jewelery shop and earns 30k per month", Laksh said.

"Ok and tell me everything about him?", Payal said.

"His name is Tarun and he is 30 years old. He has been married to Yashika for 2 years and she died while giving birth to there daughter 2 months back. So he is looking for a girl who can take care of his daughter and do household works as his parents have to go back to there village and he wants someone who can take care of his daughter", Laksh said.

"Ok , so who told you about this marriage proposal?", Payal asked.

"Yesterday Lekha didi called me and told me about this guy.  As everyone knows that it is too tough to get match for Diya , so she said it is best to get her married to this guy. Even I thought about this for an entire night and I came to a conclusion that it is best to get her married to Tarun if he agrees. What is your opinion?", Laksh asked.

"Go and meet him tommorow and if you like him , we can get him married to Diya", Payal said.

Laksh nodded his head and went to his shop. Unknown to all this Diya is still celebrating her success , she has got 93% in 12th board exams.

Same like last time even this time her parents didnt care about her marks , they celebrated for Harshita as she had got 75%in her 10th boards. But this time she didn't care. On the day of her result she went to a restaurant and celebrated her hardwork with her own self.

Next day
Laksh is sitting in a coffee shop waiting for Tarun. After some 10 minutes Tarun comes and stop at his table and sit opposite to Laksh.

"I think you already know that , my wife died 2 months back and I am doing this marriage just for my daughter", Tarun told to Laksh.

"Ya, I very well know that", Laksh said.

"Then may I know , why your daughter said yes to this marriage? As she is just 18 years old then why did she agreed to get married to a guy who is a widower with a baby?", Tarun asked eyeing Laksh suspiciously.

"Actually she doesn't want to study further and when we told her that we will get her married if she don't want to study  (just to threaten her ) she agreed to get married. Then we started searching matches for her and then we came to know about you. She got so emotional when she heared your story. She said she wants to marry you only and give love of a mother to your daughter", Laksh said with fake tears.

"Ok , but she doesn't want to meet me once?", Tarun asked.

"I told her that you both should meet once , but she said she wants to meet you directly on your wedding day and she also said that we should get you both married as soon as possible as she doesn't want your daughter to be away from her", Laksh said with fake smile.

Tarun then called his panditji and panditji informed him that he can marry on 2nd July that is after 15 days. Tarun told the same to Laksh and Laksh was happy hearing this ,but then showed a fake sad face.

"What happened ? Is there something wrong? ", Tarun asked.

"In just 15 days my Diya will go to your house and then she won't be my daughter. I will miss her so much. She is my princess so take care of her and please forgive her if she does some mistake" , Laksh said with fake tears.

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