stranded part 2 strange imagination

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I ran straight away not knowing what magic or evil spells are being casted so when I made it to the other side of the island I was scared and alone in my head my conscious was saying run hide you need to survive to tell the tale and then I hide behind a rock and am starving so I think of the food I used to eat and I see light coming from behind me I turn and hope its not a dragon then I see food and it was what all I imagined and all how I set it up so I knew it was whatever I thought so I shouldn't do it that much or people will want to know how I got it and test my DNA so I ate and walked out with a full stomach I walked all the way to the cabin and when I got there the door was open I looked inside not thinking of the dangers and it was nothing in side I was scared again but then I remembered I went in to look around and then left the door open so I locked the door and went to sleep

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2019 ⏰

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