The Mage

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"Are we are there yet?" Hel asked whiningly
The massive dragon statue towered in the distance
It was hundreds of meters long and a couple hundred tall. It was a major landmark in Pavis due to its size and its location in the center of the city.
"Here we are" Sven said standing in front of a wooden shack on stilts. Standing out compared to the stone houses surrounding it.
"Powerful wizard living in a dilapidated wooden shack?"
"Yes" Sven said knocking on the door.
A tired looking druluz opens the door.
The druluz (AKA duck people) are bipedal creatures resembling ducks. They are commonly discriminated against due to their lack of physical ability. They commonly learn sorcery to make up for their lack of muscle.
"Seriously? A duck?" Hel asks
"I'll have you know I'm an expert in multiple fields of sorcery. So why are you here"
Sven pulls out the piece of obsidian
"Ok ok come in before anyone sees"
The duo walks in to see shelves lined with vaguely feather shaped plants of various colors.
"So what do you need from me?"
"We need to get out of town but can't use the gates"
"So you need me to blast a hole in the wall using the the stone?"
"What do I get out of it?"
"A portion of what we get by selling this bad boy"
"How long will it take for you to get the money?"
"Umm couple months to find a bandit lord with a hatred for Pavis and enough money"
"Ok where will we do it?"
"100 paces east of zebra gate"
"All right I'll get some dragon powder"
"DRAGON POWDER that stuff is illegal as heck and even more explosive"
"Yes yes. And it'll blast through the wall with ease. I'll meet you there at sundown?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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