Episode 4

673 18 13

" Last time on Total Drama The 6th! Some embarrassing secrets were spilled, some tension between teams. But Team Skirts lost and everyone thought that Heather was going out but clever Heather! Someone switched the votes. So bye bye Harold. Coming up. Is someone secretly dating? Will Team Skirts lose again!? Will someone warm my bath? All this and more on Total. Drama. The 6th! "


Riley's P.O.V

Last night was fun with Noah. Except for the fact that Heather is still on the FRIKIN show! And back to the fun part, after the ceremony me and Noah went down to the beach and talked- AS FRIENDS OF COURSE!. Haha....


Chris comes on over the speaker " Get up and meet me at the dining hall! Pronto! "

All the girls and boys are up in a spilt second. When they get to the dining hall, they see wedding cakes.

" So for your challenge today, it's kinda like season 3's Niagara Falls challenge. We will pair you up with people..."

" But some of the teams have odd numbers. " Zoey says.

" Yes. So those odd people will be on the sidelines cheering their team on. So their will only be one couple per team. The way to choose those couples will be- THIS RANDOM CHOOSY THING! " Chris says and points to a board that had each team, and the names under it. " First will be Team Uno. The girl will be...COURTNEY! And the boy......MIKE! " Zoey looks at Courtney obviously jealous. " Team Apple's girl will be.... BETH! Boy....SCOTT!" Scott looks disgusted as his name is called out with Beth's. Team Game's girl will be..... GWEN! and the boy will be.... TRENT! " The two stare at each other for a while with a smile on their face. "Team Skirts- oops. Ummmmmm.... There will be a girl and girl for this one. Hehe. ZOEY and HEATHER are your team's couple." Zoey and Heather back away from each other. "And finally Team Last, your girl will have to be Izzy. And the boy is..... CAMERON. " Cameron gulps and stares at Izzy in horror.

" Let's get started." Says Chris.


All the couples are lined up, on a bright red line. All the spectators are all along a dark blue rope that leads around their course.

" So the objective of this challenge is for the girl to hop up on the boys back and for the boy to be blindfolded. The girl will give the directions, so you need to trust your guide. You will have to guide your boy across the room to where the tuxedos and dresses are. This is the course." Chris points to a room filled with mouse traps, gigantic cakes, pools with an unknown substance in them, and the tuxes and dresses at the end of the room.

" GO! " Chris yells.


Team Uno:

Courtney hops onto Mike's back, and he puts on the blindfold. He takes a running start until Courtney yells " Watch out! Mouse traps ahead!! Go to your left! " He takes a left and they pass the mouse traps. Then Courtney glances in front of her and notices they are heading straight towards the huge cake. " RIGHT RIGHT RIIIIIIGHHTTTTT!!!" She yells. Mike quickly turns right. Courtney lets out a sigh of relief and shifts her self differently on Mike's back , but right as she did that, they were about to run into the pool. It was too late, they both fell into the pool.

" Courtney! You were supposed to be guiding! Not getting comfortable. " Mike says frustrated.

" Well if your back wasn't so boney! " Courtney replies.

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