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Just to preface this whole thing. UA is a college in this one, like all Hero's have to go to Hero college before being certified. Thanks for reading!

It was currently the second semester of your first year at U.A. You are in class 1-A and were present for all of the crazy shit that went down over first semester and summer break. Everyone was hoping for a somewhat normal second semester and you were right there with them. There was 21 kids in your class, you scored second on all exams, right behind Momo who was in first. U.A. didn't normally allow uneven classes, but they made an exception just for your class. They decided everyone in your class, needed to be there.

You were sitting on top of your desk in the middle of the back row and were surrounded by all of the girls. You were in a pretty heated conversation with Mina about which guy in class 1-B was the hottest.

"(Y/N)! Its definitely TetsuTetsu!"

"Your wrong! Its Yosetsu! He's just got this vibe about him."

"Wait, can we both at least agree it's not Monoma!?"

"Yes! Mina, yes we can! Although, if it wasn't for that pure hatred against our class and that constant attitude, I think he would be a contender!"

All of the girls bursted out in laughter after you two finally agreed on something, including the both of you.

"Why do you girls only obsess over boys?"

"You're one to talk Mineta!" You shouted across the room to the little purple haired perv. "All you do is stare at all our asses!" All the girls glared over in Minetas direction.

"And I wouldn't take any of it back either."

"All right class. Get in your seats and be quiet." You hopped off your desk and walked around to your chair. No matter how loud and rambunctious you were, you always respected your teachers. "Today you will break off into groups of two to three. We will be going over to one of the training rooms. We will be running exercises of fighting each other. Groups of three will be two versus 1 and will switch off. Groups of two will just be against each other. Please pick your partners and go get changed.

"I CALL MINETA AND KAMINARI!" You raised your hand right away and gave the two boys a look. They both look nervous, but you like making two of the most girl crazy boys in class nervous. It brought you joy.

You were one of the, if not THE hottest girl in class, some would argue the school. And you really did know it. You didn't give a shit about anything really and you definitely always spoke your mind. You were also very confident in yourself and always took mistakes and failures as learning opportunities.

You got changed in the locker room with the rest of the girls and headed to the training building as a group. Inside Mr. Aizawa stood with All-Might who looked like a skeleton as usual now that he was retired.

You smiled and waved at him as you were the first to enter the building. "Hi All-Might!"

"Hello (Y/N), How's training going?." You were actually All-Mights niece. Your parents died when you were 13, so he had been taking care of you for the past few years. His brother was your father, but nobody knew that he even had a brother until he adopted you.

"Its going really well. Hand to hand combat is always improving, and I've got a good handle on my quirk!" You gave him a big smile and an even bigger hug. Everybody could agree with you when you said you had the best uncle in the world. "If you hadn't retired, I probably could have taken you on soon!"

"Ok, let's settle down class. Get in your groups and spread out." I spun around quickly looking for the yellow and purple haired boys and locked onto my targets. I skipped over to them and quickly grabbed their wrists tightly. I lowered my face in between them so I could whisper where only they could hear.

"Come on boys, let's go to the back where nobody can see us or hear your cries." I let out a small chuckle and turned around. The two boys gulped and then followed me towards the back of the building.

"(Y/N) be nice to the boys..."

"Ugh, but uncle Yagi, that's no fun..." I pouted at him. He just sighed and waved the back of his hand to me. We continued walking further into the large building until we got close to the back wall surround by large cement like walls surrounding us.

"Alright boys..." I dropped my arms to my sides with my hands open and pointing towards them. "... bring it." Mineta, with tears flowing out of his eyes started to throw his balls at me and I easily dodged all of them. Kaminari shot his disks towards me and they landed on the wall behind me. Knowing that I need to stay out of the line of him and the disks, I need to take out Mineta first. I quickly grabbed Mineta's wrist and sweeped my leg under his, making him fall to the ground. I leaned down to his ear to whisper, keeping my eye on Kaminari.

"Do be a good little boy and stay put please." He started drooling and I didn't realize that my breasts were pressed up against his chest. I rolled my eyes and stood up leaving him in his hazy daze. "Your turn sparky."

"Hey, this is an unfair fight! You aren't even using your quirk!"

"Why would I? You know water and electricity don't mix well right? That's probably why I think you're so irresistible. I've always wanted things that aren't very good for me."

"W-wait... what?" While he was distracted by what I said, I sent a geyser of water under my feet to shoot me through the air, I landed behind him and quickly grabbed his arm and twisted it behind him. I hit the back of his knees making him kneel down and quickly tackled him to the floor. I layed down on his back and leaned down to whisper in his ear.

"You know Kaminari, I wasn't lying, you are irresistible to me. Why do you think I always make sure I get put in a group with you no matter what we are doing."

"Maybe because you like beating Mineta and I up?"

"Oh... no baby, that isn't it..." I released his arm and made him roll over so I could straddle his lap. I continued to whisper in his ear. "... well, maybe that's a part of it. But I really do like our little talks like this. I also just love feeling these muscles that you've gained since the beginning of school." I quickly pecked his cheek with a quick kiss making sure to leave a red lipstick stain on his cheek. I stood up and started walking away.

"Hey! What about our battles?"

I looked at Kaminari who was just starting to stand up. "I wanna see that sweet ass fight Mineta, so I'm gonna watch from over here!." He was already a blushing mess from you sitting on top of him and kissing his cheek, so that really sent him over the top and he started to look like a tomato.

The two started to battle each other and Mineta was angry everytime he looked at the lipstick stain on Kaminari's cheek because he was jealous of it. It made for great entertainment, and you didn't lie. Watching Kaminari was definitely an interest to you.

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