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"So, Kaminari. How do you feel you've grown in your studies so far?"

"Uh, well sir, I definitely think I'm getting more use out of my quirk now. Especially since I got that pointer and shooter." I looked at Uncle Yagi with a begging face hoping he would get the memo that I didn't want to talk about school.

"So... um.... yea kids I don't know what to talk about."

"Uncle, why don't you let us know how retirement is going."

"Oh... well... it's going. I only retired from being a pro hero, so the teaching keeps me busy. I've had a lot of stations call and ask about interviews, but to be truthful... I don't think I'm ready to quite talk about it yet. All I see are news reports that since my retirement, crime rates have risen. That is not at all what I wanted."

"Sir? If I may say. Our class, and even 1-B are going to be some of the best heros this world has ever seen. It's true that nobody could replace you. But under you're training... I think the world is going to be ok."

"I don't know about that Kaminari. A lot of people are saying that Togata from the big 3 is probably going to be better than me."

"Stop thinking of yourself like that! Uncle, every hero in this world either retires or dies. First of all, I'm ecstatic that you didn't die, otherwise who would I have here for family. That's right... nobody. Second of all, you changed the definition of heros all around the world. You were... and still are The Symbol of Peace. Yes Togata is good, but nobody will ever... EVER replace you."

"I didn't realize you thought so highly of your old Uncle."

"It's not just her. Everyone thinks highly of you. You gave everything you could in that fight. Not backing down until that guy was done. Even when you were past your limits... you just kept going. That's inspiring to everyone who wants the title of hero."

I could see the look on his face and I didn't know how to feel about it. It was a mix of sad, proud, love... I don't think even he knew what to feel. He had only been retired for a short time. His whole life has changed.

"No matter what Uncle... I will always be here for you and I like our little family."

"When did you become such a softie?"

I slapped Denki in the back of the head and held it down towards his lap.

"You should let the poor boy go." I looked at Uncle Yagi and then let go of Denki. "And to answer your question, she's always had a soft spot for me. Why, I'm her favorite Uncle!"

"You're literally my only uncle. I don't even have any aunts."

"Man, we are a pretty small family aren't we?"

"You could say that again."

"Well, I'll clean up and I'm going to head to bed, I'm *yawn* pretty tired."

He picked up the pizza box and then said goodnight to us, giving me a kiss on the forehead. He went upstairs and I could here his door shut and then click.

I looked at Denki who was staring at his hands.

"Are you ok."

"Yea. All-Might just looks sad... don't you think?"

"I know him the best out of everyone, and he may seem sad, but trust me... he's gonna be ok. Now... you on the other hand, I'm not to sure."


I swung my legs over his lap so I straddled him. I slowly ran my lips down the side of his neck and then back up to his lips, all while unbuttoning his shirt. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me down deeper into his lap. I could already feel his cock growing underneath me and wrestling with his jeans. I ripped his shirt off after undoing the last button. He quickly pulled off my shirt and placed his hands over my bra.

"Wait, what if All-Might comes back out?"

"He won't, now just shut the fuck up."

I get off of him and pull his pants off. He takes off his boxers and hes now completely naked. I turn around a sexily take off my skirt and underwear.

I then unbuttoned my bra and straddled him again.

I kissed him once again while gripping his cock and welcoming inside me. He took a deep breath in and his whole body tensed up. He then let out his breath as I let him get further in me.

"Does that feel good baby?"

"Ahh... ye... ahhh... yes..."

I started to move up and down and Denki's face showed that he was loosing this battle. This went on for awhile until he was able to finish.

After we had cleaned up we both walked back to school and went to our seperate dorm rooms.

After I changed into my pajamas I looked at my phone and saw a text from Denki saying "Goodnight Beautiful." I smiled then crawled into bed. I texted him goodnight, rolled over and let the darkness of night take over and I was soon asleep.

You're Mine // Denki Kaminari x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now