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     "I like to think I've always been there for Arthit and Kongpob," Prem starts after coughing on the microphone.

     "I was present when they met. I was present when Arthit announced to the whole school that they're dating. I was there whenever Arthit cries when he misses Kongpob."

     Laughter resonates throughout the venue.

     "I was also present when Arthit bought the ring for his proposal."

     Some of the members of the audience gasp, surprised at the revelation.

     "And I'm present here on their wedding day, obviously. Hopefully, all the days I am 'present' will help soften the fact that I forgot to buy them a wedding present."

     Wad steps on his foot under the table as the audience giggles at his joke.

     "But yes, I heard a reaction when I mentioned Arthit proposing. I know you're all surprised... because Arthit surprised me as well..."


     "You really cook great, P'Arthit."

     "Of course, unlike you, Chef Ramsey of cup noodles."

     "Hey, give me some credit. I perfected the right tenderness of cup noodles, okay? Also, I can cook omelet now even without the help of tutorials."

     Arthit chuckled in front of his spoon.

     Kongpob took one big bite. "I am serious, P'Arthit. Your cooking tastes great. The person you'll marry will be very lucky to have you."

     Arthit stopped chewing his food.

     What made Kongpob say that? The person Arthit would marry? Why was he talking in the third person? It wasn't as if they didn't face many challenges, almost broke up twice, and survived long distance. They were stable and stronger than ever. There's really no reason for Kongpob to doubt that.

     Some may say their relationship wouldn't last, and Arthit might not know how to show his affection, but he's sure to himself that there's no other one, that he would marry Kongpob.



     "You suddenly went quiet."

     Arthit remained quiet for the rest of their dinner.

     "You'll what?" Prem almost spat out the coffee he was drinking when Arthit told him his plan.

     "I told you, I was planning to propose to Kongpob."

     "Just because he said that?"

     "It's not just because of that. I've already been thinking about it since he returned from Beijing. We've been together for almost eight years now. And I'm sure as hell I want to be with him."

     "But Arthit, you know it isn't legal yet, right?"

     Arthit nodded. "I already thought about that. We can marry abroad. Or we can wait for it to be legalized here. That's not what's on my mind right now. All I want is to do this."

     Prem gave up, pretending to understand his friend's logic. "So, what do you want me to do?"

     Arthit looked at him straight.

     "Help me find a ring."

     "That one looks good, and the other one you checked earlier," Prem said, referring to the simple white gold ring his friend was examining. "But are you really sure about this, Arthit?"

     Arthit lifted his head from the ring to glare at his friend. "I already told you I am sure of it."

     "I just don't want you to regret it."

     "I will never regret asking Kongpob to marry me," Arthit responded, voice with a hint of annoyance.

     "It's not that. You know I totally support you and Kongpob. But, I don't know, man. I just want you to do it at the right time. When you're totally ready. I know, I know you will say you're already together for years now, and this is the right time, but I want you to think about it carefully. If you are doing this just to spite Kongpob for making you insecure again or if you are doing this in a rush, you should think again. Marriage is marriage, you know? It's obvious you aren't ready. You quickly decided that you'd propose to him after he uttered a sentence incorrectly. You are acting on impulse." There was a pause. "Give it some time. Have you saved enough money in case you have to do it abroad?"

     Arthit didn't answer.

     "If I were you, I'd do that for now. I just want you to do it at the best moment, Arthit. Once you're really ready, ask him. I will support you all the way. I will even find violinists for you."

     The jeweler remained quiet in the middle of Prem's advice. To her judgment, based on what she has heard, the tall man in front of her was right, and she's sure the smaller guy was thinking about his advice too.

     "You're right," Arthit said. "Thanks, man."

     Prem sighed in relief.

     Arthit then faces the jeweler. "I will take this ring," he told her.

     "Wait, what?" Prem exclaimed. "I thought you already agree with me."

     "I do. But this ring really looks good. You said it yourself."

     Prem snatched it from his hand, which made the jeweler's heart skip a beat. He played with it in his hand as the other two carefully watched him. "It does."

    "It would fit Kongpob's finger perfectly," Arthit whispered to himself.

     Prem couldn't help but be amused at him. He's then really far from the stubborn, emotionless man Prem knew before. At ease that Arthit already listened to him, Prem gave the ring back to him.

     "One day, Arthit. One day."

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