Love Since The Beginning

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The day Shizuka and Shinso met was indeed a memorable one, at the bus stop of all places. They were pretty young, still in elementary school, back when girls are icky and have cooties and apparently if a boy makes fun of you and bothers you means he likes you.. So very strange and confusing. The first time Shinso saw Shizuka he was so infatuated by her hair, he's never seen anything like it before, so beautifully white, like snow. She was very shy and introverted, playing her game boy color. He couldn't keep his eyes off her, blushing and still in awe.

"Um, hey, the bus is here.." Shizuka said quietly looking at her feet embarrassed, thinking if there is something on her face or that she looks silly, wondering why this boy with purple hair and looks like he hasn't slept in 84 years is staring at her.

"O-Oh, right.." he said shaking his head, trying to get out of the haze. Shizuka will be the talk of the town for a bit, she's new and everyone gravitates to the new people, he thought. He is pretty nervous about going to school, then she will hear all the mean things to say about him and to him, which aren't true at all. She will have opinions about him that aren't accurate or anything like him, just because people speculate the new gossip.why does he care so much already, Why does he care what anyone thinks, he's never really cared before, but something about her is different.

They arrive at school, both mentally preparing to get out of the bus.

"Hello class!" The teacher said excitedly, "We have a new student! I hope you help her and are nice to her!" The teacher looked over and the girl with white hair and a red face flushed of shyness.

", my name is Shizuka Basho.. I like ice cream and playing video games" she said softly, loud enough for people to hear though. Some kids giggled, the rest clapped. She smiled a bit and sat back down, just so happens that Shinso is the welcoming committee! They'll be spending some time together.

"Oh, I feel sorry for her! She has to sit next to a future villain!" A kid spat out, the class laughed, except for Shizuka, who was confused and rightfully so. She looked over at Shinso who was on the break of tears, clenching his fists in frustration.

"Wh-why are they saying that? Are you really?" She asked. "NO! I will never be a villain!!" He ran out of the classroom, wanting to get away from it all. The teacher looked at everyone with utter belief, how cruel kids can be.

"That's enough, everyone write an essay on why bullying is wrong, I want it by tomorrow.." the teacher said in a harsh tone. "Everyone except Shinso and Shizuka, for obvious reasons" she sat at her desk and put her hands on her head, feeling so sorry for Shinso.

Shizuka ran out of the classroom so quickly and stealthily no one knew she was gone. The teacher already believed and trusted in her to help Shizuka, the teachers quirk is reading minds, the fall back is getting Headaches after reading one's mind.

"S-Shinso?" Shizuka spoke softly, looking around trying to find him. She turns the corner and sees Shinso sitting and crying a little.

He looks over at Shizuka and blushed from embarrassment, hiding his face. "What do you want?" He said choking back more tears.

"Why were they calling you a villain?" She asked curiously.

"Because of my quirk, they think it would suit a villain more than a hero..I don't want to be a villain.." he mumbled.

"What is your quirk?" She asked. "You'll probably agree with them. Why should I tell you?" He said defensively.

"I'm not one to judge, my parents say "never judge a book by it's cover" she said in a jokingly stern voice trying to make him laugh a little.

He looked up and smiled at her, "...My quirk is brainwashing" his smile faded.

"Wow that's so cool" she said sitting down next to him.

He was shocked, "Really? You think so? Most people call it scary or twisted." He sighed.

"Why would they think that?" She asked.

"These... societal standards of what is considered a hero or not." he took a deep breath, "a physical quirk is more acceptable than anything, look at all might, all physical."

"Well I think it's awesome, you could be an interrogation hero! Or a crisis negotiator!" she said excitedly.
"Thank you, it means a lot" he smiled.



"Shinsou!" Shizuka yelled, looking around for him, they live in the same building.

"WHAT? Are you okay?!" he said while sprinting down the street to greet her, "What is it?" he said collapsing on the ground trying to catch his breath.

"Our U.A letters are here!" she said excitedly, giving him his, "let's open it together" she said nervously. He got up and took the letter from her hand, looked at her and sighed, biting his lip nervously. She looked up at him, "Let's count down okay? ...In 3...2...1, OPEN" she yelled, they both tore open their letters. Two strange coin looking things came out of both of the letters.

"I AM HERE AS A PROJECTION!" All Might said, as he flashed from the coin thing.

Both Shizuka and Shinso both jumped from the surprise, "ALL MIGHT?!" they both looked at each other.
"Wait, this is from U.A right...?" Shizuka asked.
"The one and only apparently" showing her the official U.A seal and everything. They both bring their attention back to All Might.

"Actually, I came to this town to work at U.A, to help future youths of this great city!" he clears his throat, "Alright, let's get down to business, since you're both best friends and live in the same building, why not do your evaluation together?" he laughed.

"Honestly, having to do this for so many students is incredibly tiring! THERE IS NO ROOM TO BE TIRED WHEN YOU'RE A HERO!" he yelled, which made them both laugh.

He coughed, "ANYWAYS, Shizuka, you did well on both written exam and the practical exam, but you need to work on the stamina for your quirk, you didn't last to long fighting and that hurt your score" Shizuka smiled and looked over at Shinso, who was already looking at her smiling.
"No surprise there" Shinso said as he high fived her, now very nervous for his own fate.

"Now, Shinso... you didn't pass the practical exam, for obvious reasons" All Might stopped himself for a second, "it's not really fair to have these tests based on what physical quirk you can do, just like Ms. Joke, both indeed powerful. Shinso looked down sad.
"BUT HAVE NO FEAR, FOR YOU HAVE PASSED THE WRITTEN EXAM WITH FLYING COLORS! YOU SHOULD BE PROUD! BOTH OF YOU! CONGRATULATIONS TO BOTH! SEE YOU IN CLASS 1-C! THIS IS BOTH YOUR HERO ACADEMIA!" he said giving a thumbs up. The screen went dark. Shinso was still looking sad, not really knowing what to say.

"CONGRATS SHINSO!" Shizuka said hugging him, "I always knew you were smart but wow! That's amazing!" she said in disbelief.

"Why thank you, but I did so poorly on the practical exam, I gave others more points because of my quirk." he sighed.

"You heard what All Might said and even Mr. Aizawa said!" she said trying to cheer him up, "The school and society favor physical quirks over mental ones.. But I believe you can change that stigma!" she said look at him clenching her fists. "You can be a hero too!" she yelled.

Shinso's mouth was agape, never hearing her talk so loudly before, does she really have all this faith in him. Since when has she gotten so optimistic... and beautiful.

He stood up and looked at her, reaching over and gave her a hug, "Thank you for believing in me" he said as he held her tighter. He let go and looked at her and did the unthinkable, he leaned down and kissed her. She gasped in shock but then leaned into the kiss. It felt like fireworks, it felt right and safe, but also warm. He hasn't felt this happy in forever and the same for her. They break apart from the kiss.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that for" he said catching his breath.

Shizuka blushes, "Y-yes I do," she said smiling and kissed him again.

"We're in this together, we can do this" Shinso said as he held her hand and went off to school.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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