Justin's POV
"Justin -I"
She whispered and I know she isn't in little. Space anymore but still I hold her so she is comfortable.
" My uhm my u-ncle well he uh"
She takes a deep breath I see that this is hard for her but she has to eat I won't let her not eat and I need to figure out why she had the panic attack.
" my parents left me when I was 6 they were both good people but one day they went for a drive and it was raining. And they got into a accident, and died." She says slowly.
My poor baby !!
I cradle her even close and she sighs and squirms getting more comfortable.
" my uncle was a fun person when I was a kid he never did anything wrong and he was always kind to me. Until his wife killed herself. A-fter that he became this cold hard rock that cared about nobody. I think that's why he joined a gang."
I look at her shocked to say the least and kiss her forehead making sure my breathing was in check not liking where this was going.
" after my parents died he was the closest living relative so he took me in and by taking me in he brought me into the gang. By this time I was 7 and it was hard for me to process everything going on in the house. All the gang members ignored me along with my uncle they wouldn't speak to me unless I needed to eat or to go away. I had a really close relationship with Amy one of the gangs girlfriends she kinda took me in and helped me go through school and keep me away from the gang." She says. " but she had a hard time too being in a gang you get shared by a lot of the men.. she would get raped and stuff and one night I walked into the house home from school when I was 14 and they were all raping h-her." She stares emotionless at the wall in front of us I slowly rock her back and forth kissing the side of her head sometimes. " my uncle grabbed me and told me to sit down and watch when I said I didn't want to and that I would call the police he slapped me and tied me to a chair. Told me that I was next and then gagged me.. I past out and the last thing I remember was her screaming. When I woke up I was in the basement. Tied up hearing chains rattling all around me." A slow tear falls down one of her soft baby cheeks. I pick it up and put it in my pocket. " it's alright sweetheart you don't have to finish." I say she looks up at me. " daddy"
" Yes baby" I say looking down at her.
" I'm sowwy." She says and it breaks my heart.