Chapter 2

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AN: HERE is Chapter 2... PLEASE Comment/vote...  I know that this chapter is short, but I am trying to get in the habit of SHORT chapters and not LONG ones like I normally do... PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD and tell your readers/friends about this story...

I am dedicating this to @AmazaynMel since she was my first comment on the last chapter....


Chapter 2

(Liam’s POV)

            “Here we go mates,” Louis said coming back over and hands out the beers for everyone.

            “Thanks Lou,” they said as I just sipped on my water since I was going to be my friends DD tonight.

            “So, who’s next?” he asked sitting down beside me and Harry.

            “You are mate,” Zayn smiled.

            “Great,” he said rubbing his hands together and looked at me. “Liam… truth or dare?”

            “If I don’t have to drink anything dare,” I said praying that it wasn’t going to be something stupid.

            “Excellent,” he smiled; “I dare you…” he started acting the crazy Louis already, that game show Lou voice, “To go get that pretty girl’s number behind the bar.”

            I laughed reaching in my pocket, and showed them the paper, “Already a head of you mate.”

            “How did you do that?” Niall asked starting his second beer.

            I smiled putting it back, “I asked if they had tickets to the show tomorrow night, they said no, so I got ‘BOTH’ girl’s numbers.”

            Louis smiled, “Nice,” he said as we high-fived each other.

            “Your turn,” Harry told me.

            I took a sip of my water and thought about it, “Niall… truth or dare?”

            “Dare,” he said putting his beer down on our table.

            I smirked, “I dare you to go over there at those four girls, whose been watching us for the past ten minutes, ask them out while singing.”

            The guys laugh as Niall got up and went over to the girl across the room, and he started singing his heart out asking them out.  As he was they were frowning and walked off, which made my friends and I laughing.

            We kept playing on, and soon the guys were getting a little drunk that it was time to take them home. I called Paul to come help me get them out to the car. As we walked past the bar the guys looked over to see the girls.

            “Night girls!” they said, which was loud and slurred.

            Nicole smiled, “Night boys,” she said and looked at me, “Good night Liam, be careful.”

            I smiled, “Thanks. I’ll call you tomorrow on those tickets.”

            Her friend smiled at me, “Can’t wait.”

            “Bye,” I said helping Louis and Harry as Paul was ahead with Niall and Zayn.

            “Bye,” they said.

            We got outside and the air felt good since it was warm inside the bar. We got to my car; Paul gets Niall and Zayn in the back as I get Louis in front and Harry in back with the others.

            “Get them home and make sure you boys are at the arena at two,” Paul told me.

            “I’ll make sure of it,” I said. “Oh, Paul I need two tickets for the show tomorrow…”

            “For?” he asked.

            “The girls inside the bar are fans, but didn’t get tickets since it’s sold out. Just thinking it would be a tip for them…”

            “Sure, just give me their names and they can pick them up there.”

            “Thanks,” I smiled.

            Paul left as I got in the car, and drove the guys home.

            “Liam, I love you,” Louis said leaning over to hug my arm.

            I smirked, “Love you too Lou.”

            “Hey, I thought that you loved me,” Harry said.

            “I do love…” Lou said looking in the backseat at Harry. “It’s just Liam is our hero tonight taking us home.”

            I chuckled softly at them… that’s the Larry Stylison for ya.

            I finally got us home safe and sound, helped every one slowly inside to their rooms, and I went and to crash myself, but not until I called the girls from the club.

            It answered after a few rings.

            “Eello,” I heard.

            “Hi, this is Liam… I was there earlier… is this…” I looked at the paper, “Mandy or Nicole?”

            I heard a laugh, it was cute, “It’s Nicole. Did you guys make it home safe and sound?” she asked.

            “Yes we did, thanks for asking,” I smiled. “I was calling to let you and Mandy know that I’ll have tickets for you at the ticket booth under you names.”

            “Oh, great. I don’t know if I’ll make it, but I’ll try.”

            “She will be coming,” I heard Mandy talk into the phone.

            “Well, I hope to see you ladies. Maybe I can get you backstage passes if you’d like.”

            “Oh, you don’t have to go that far Liam…”

            “Yes… please yes a thousand times yes,” Mandy said in the phone again.

            “Okay, I’ll do it. See you girls tomorrow night.”

            “See you then, bye,” I heard Nicole say and then she ended the call.

            I smiled and made a note on my phone to call management to get the girls tickets and backstage passes too.


AN: So, I hope that you like it... please tell me what you think... and vote... spread the word, and too... If I'm not right on the guys or something needs fixed, please tell me... thank you...

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