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The city's night life never knew a dull moment. It was always booming, even when it rained. The bright neon signs flashed in the darkness, their lights reflecting in the rainwater that had fallen on the ground. They served as a highlighted path for Tamsin, who otherwise would have had a hard time following her friend. Running behind him, she had her hood up and kept her head down, not wanting to mess up how she looked.

The light pitter patter of rain turned into wet thuds as it started to downpour. The scattered puddles decorating the sidewalk slowly became an obstacle course which had Tamsin jumping over them, trying to avoid stepping in one. The coldness of the rain seeped through her jacket and chilled her skin. Pulling the hood further over her head, covering as much of her face as possible, she cursed under her breath. Why hadn't they taken a taxi again?

The clouds grew darker and it was only a matter of seconds before lightning spiked through the darkened sky, and was followed by loud thunder.

"Are we there yet?" Tamsin called out, not looking to stay out in that dreadful weather much longer.

"Almost!" Yuta answered, only briefly looking over his shoulder as he replied to his best friend.

Tamsin shook her head, thinking she was definitely getting a ride home after the party. She followed Yuta into a side street and was relieved to see him walking up to one of the houses. The front door seemed to have been open already as he walked straight in without having to ring the doorbell. Following his lead, Tamsin took a few long strides and rushed inside.

Still looking down, she pulled down her hood and ran her hands through her ginger hair. She ruffled her bangs before finally looking up. The house was crowded with people and the music was loud. The deep bass that vibrated through the rooms resembled the rumbling of thunder outside, but was much more appreciated.

Tamsin took off her wet jacket and hung it over the radiator in the hallway. For a moment she pressed her legs against it, too. The heat felt nice against the wet fabric and if it had been up to her, she would have stayed there much longer.

"What are you doing?" Yuta asked, lifting an eyebrow. "You look stupid."

Tamsin snorted. Of course she did, but she didn't care and her friend knew this. Yuta laughed and grabbed her arm, pulling her along.

"Your jeans will be dry in no time. Let's go find our friends."

They pushed through the partying crowd until they reached the living room. There were literally people everywhere they looked. A group of boys casually leaned back against the wall, blowing circles of smoke into the air and by the smell of it, they weren't smoking the usual cigarettes. There were people jumping to the music, possibly equally as stoned as they were, while others stood around a beer pong table, cheering on the players. The colorful string lights above them probably weren't working in anyone's favor, but the lights definitely set the right party mood.

Among their friends, Johnny was known as the one that threw the best parties in town, but Jaehyun had given him a run for his money with this one.

It was the first time Tamsin visited his house and she was more than impressed. At 22, Jaehyun still lived with his parents, but who could blame him? Tamsin would trade in her apartment and move back in with her mother if she owned a mansion, too.

The house was definitely big enough to hold all the party-goers, but it made it a challenge to locate their friends. She and Yuta were late because of work, so they couldn't arrive at the same time as them.

As the dancing crowd split up for a second, Tamsin caught sight of the one person she was looking for in particular. As the lights beamed down on him and made him look like an angel descending from heaven, she felt the same butterflies as she did the first time she laid eyes on him. Even after dating for six months, Taeil was still a sight for sore eyes.

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