Chapter III: Strangers in the night

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She was already 20 minutes late by the time Arthur's 4th cigarette hit the cold ground, being nervously stomped on. "What on Earth is this woman doing?", he mumbled beneath his breath as he kept checking his Rolex. He sat, propped up by his black Audi, swinging his leg rhythmically, wondering if this was about to be the first time he'd been stood up by a girl. "That's it, you're way beyond of fashionably late. I'm out", he sighed as he turned around to open the driver's door. But then there she was. Katherine walked out of her building, wearing a black stretch dress with long sleeves and no makeup.

She approached Arthur with a wide embarrassed smile on her face, her eyes begging him for forgiveness. "Oh, my clutch! I've forgotten my clutch! Excuse me!", she frowned as she ran back inside, leaving the man to have a laugh at her clumsiness.

"Oh God, she's so clumsy, it's adorable.", he rubbed his neck, chuckling as his eyes silently followed her silhouette. As she made her way back, a couple of minutes later, holding her black classy clutch in her hand, Katherine's heel got stuck in between the concrete old stairs, causing her to fall directly into his arms.
"Ms. Ward, you take my breath away", he couldn't help but escape a laughter as his arms were locked, holding her torso.

"Well, you can have mine", she replied with a soft smile, losing herself in his piercing ocean blue eyes.

Arthur got caught up in the moment, just as if the beginning of their date was straight out of a 2000 something rom-com. Just as he was on the verge of kissing her, he shrugged his head and helped her up, opening the door for her.

"You don't really care for my lungs, now, do ya?", a cockney smirk appeared upon his thick lips as he entered the car, putting his belt on.

"What is that supposed to mean?", she giggled, offering him all her attention.

"I must've smoked half a pack of cigs while I was waiting out there for ya, love. All by myself. This cold wind blowing, the empty dark streets. I was scared. Somebody could've robbed me. I'm only little, ya know?", Arthur continued the conversation in his own manner, failing to show being bothered.

"I know, I'm so so sorry! Seriously, oh my god, I'm so embarrassed. You thought I was gonna stood you up, didn't you?", Kat hid her face in both of her palms, talking in a high pitch tone, really fast. "I oversleeeeept! And didn't hear my alarm... none of the 14 I've set! I was just so tired after working on my book the whole day long, I just lost track of time. I'm not even wearing makeup, my hair is a mess, I think that I've broken my heel back there on those damned stairs... I've told my super so many times to fix those fuck.. freaking steps!", she raised her head in order to face him "and guess what? He says this is a historical building and there's nothing he can do about those fucking steps!", she burst out laughing, her cheek overflowing with a vibrant redness, just like a teenager when she first talks to her crush.

"That's just adorable, I can't even... I'm sorry, I can't.", he shook his head, not being able to retain himself from laughing.

"Pay attention to the road! Do you want to get us killed? I can't be buried with this hair!"

"Ha ha, attention everyone, we've got a funny one here. There's nothing wrong with your hair, you're crazy. You look beautiful."

"Why thank you, kind sir, you look ravishing as well.", she nodded her head slightly, trying to copy a rusty British accent.

Before Arthur could have his share at this stingy exchange of acid comments, he pulled the car in a parking lot that seemed to be empty, even though the street was over flooding with people, coming in and out of bars and pubs, just like ants. Kat took Arthur's arm and let herself be guided, as she had no idea where he'd take her. On both sides of the street, there'd be shiny fancy letters, spelling out the name of the bars, lit up and even flickering. There was only one bar whose letters didn't glow. "OBLIVION". Arthur gently let go of her hand as he reached inside his chest pocket and pulled out a key. He opened the door, slid his hand against the inner wall and it took seconds for the neon lights to draw their path down the stairs.

"Hey, where are we going?", she grabbed back his arm as she found herself rather confused.

"Patience my little grasshopper." He whispered as he grabbed her in his arms, carrying her down the stairs like newlyweds. "Just a safety precaution, so you don't break the other heel too."

"This is kidnapping!", she giggled, punching his shoulder lightly.

Once there were no more stairs, he put her down, turning on another switch. One by one, dozens of street lamps light up like stars on a rainy day, uncovering a lush beer garden. There were multiple wooden knitted round tables spread around the room, with matching chairs, there were cascades of greenery flooding down the poles, making the false illusion of a roof, giving the place a little bit of a Parisian air. In the back, there was a white podium in the composition of a wannabe stage. There was a bar to the left, somehow blending in between the plants. It was yet empty, hadn't there been a bottle of red wine and two glasses hiding in plain sight.

"So, what do you think, love?", Arthur's face lit up almost at the same time as the lamps did. There wasn't any doubt that he was proud of himself and his achievement. After all, he's got it at a fair price, let alone the blackmailing.
Kat's jaw has dropped in surprise as she spun around, taking in the view.

"It's abso-fucking-lutely beautiful! Is it yours?"

"Yeah. I'm opening it this weekend."

"It's so... shiny! I love it!", she laughed, giving him a wink.

"Just pick a table as I grab the wine, will ya?"
Katherine skipped like a schoolgirl to the center of the garden and sat herself. There was something about her childish ways that got to him. The whole time they've been together Arthur couldn't help himself but smile or laugh, worrying his facial muscles would get stuck. That'd be weird. Has anyone ever seen a gangster smile up to his ears? No. But the world was about to.

"I'm glad you like it. I like it too. A lot." But before he could say anything else, his back pocket started vibrating, then the classic annoying iPhone ring tone echoed. Arthur sighed as he grabbed his phone. "If you'll excuse me just one second. I have to take it." He made his way towards the stair, far enough so she couldn't hear the conversation, but not far enough for her not to hear him screaming in frustration at whoever dared bother his evening. One thing was certain: there was a lot of hand movement and Arthur was not happy.
"I don't fucking care, you bloody cunt! Just fucking fix it, will ya? Or do I have to hold your hand? Are you a child? No! Then fix it! And don't interrupt me again, or at this time tomorrow, I'll be attending your bloody funeral!"

After hanging up the phone, Arthur took a couple of deep breathes in order to achieve the previous state of mind. Church and state.

"What was that about? You seem very angry."

"Nothing you have to burden your pretty little head with. Just work. Apparently, the world does revolve around me", he left a forced chuckle out, as if it wasn't obvious that the phone put him in a mood. "The grand opening is in a few days and they can't even get a bloody liquor license without me holding their hands. Unbelievable how incompetent are people nowadays. "

"If you have to go, I understand..."

"No, no, I'm not going anywhere. You're not getting away that easy, don't worry", he took the bottle of wine and started pouring.

"Why thank you", Kat rose her glass, making a toast "To... to... to Oblivion?"

"Yeah, oblivion."

"Oblivion - the state of being unaware or unconscious about what is happening around one. I do like it, it has a nice ring to it. And it gives the air a mysterious note, just like you do."

"Mysterious note, huh? Do you think I'm a mysterious man, Ms. Ward?"

"I do find you a rather mysterious man, Mr. Holmes.", she rose her eyebrow, giving him a stingy look.

"Okay, so another toast. For your book! How is it going anyway?"

"Oh, don't even get me started, please. I'm kind of stuck. I've been writing the same three sentences over and over again for 4 fucking hours today!", she pouted. "Will you be my muse?"

"Do you want me to go full Rose in Titanic 'draw me like one of your French girls'?", Arthur chuckled.

"Let me at least finish the bottle of wine first."

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2020 ⏰

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