Chapter One

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Chapter One - Third Person

Alice's eyes darted open as a spine-chilling scream let loose into the air. Once Alice had adjusted her eyes to the dark room, the only light being from the moon, she glanced around just to make sure that the scream had not come from the hotel room she had rented out for the night. Furrowing her eyebrows, she closed her eyes to go back to sleep. Just to make sure that Alice didn't make herself spooked up again, she decided to think, it was probably just my imagination. As Alice replayed that thought to herself, another scream erupted through the air, making fear flood through Alice as she jolted up into a sitting position. The screams continued for around three minutes whilst Alice sat there frozen in terror.

Gradually, She departed from her bed and swiftly strode towards the door of her room, making sure she didn't make a sound. Carefully, Alice slid through her door and arrived into a dark hallway with only a flickering light as a source to make sure you could see slightly. looked from left to right, she was checking that nothing was there. Once it was

clear that nothing was lurking in the shadows, she tiptoed over to the room where she had heard the screaming. Debating on whether to knock, Alice soon came to the conclusion that she would not chicken out and just get it over with. Knocking three times, Alice waited to see if anyone answered, but like she thought, no one did. Alice rolled her eyes and knocked once more.

"Hello? Is anyone in there?" Alice asked in an uneasy tone. No reply. Knocking again, Alice repeated, "I said, is anyone there?" No reply came once again so she moaned with annoyance.

She decided to reached forward and the door handle was now in her grasp. Gently, Alice twisted it just to check if it was unlocked and with luck, it was. She slowly pushed the door wider until the room was now in show. As the door was opening though, it made a horrid creak that echoed through the long hallway.

Alice walked inside the room, examining it to check that everything was okay. As she looked down to the ground, she was taken aback by the sight now in front of her. Alice began to feel rather cold and her usual tanned face was a ghost like pale. She blinked rapidly, just making sure that the sight in front of her was not just her imagining things; it didn't work as the revolting sight was still there.

On the floor laid the body of a lady around 26. Her face was purple, meaning the lady was finding it hard to breath, but the way her body was obviously explained why that was. Along her top half was her ripped t-shirt, covered in blood; the skin on the women's legs were slashed Severely. The strange thing was though, they weren't knife marks or bullet marks; nothing a human could have killed her with. They were deep scratch marks and claw marks that had wounded this poor women.

Alice's face was covered with tear marks as she began talking to herself saying, everything's going to be alright, don't be scared.

After saying that three times, a human huff was made from behind Alice, so she turned to face where the noise came from. There, in front of her, was a human male with shaggy brown hair with some stray strands dangling near his dark brown. His thin white shirt showed the outline of a very muscular body and his black work pants made him seem quite tall, making him look around 6'2. As Alice's size was 5'6, her confidence lacked slightly, especially when she wasn't looking her best. Alice mentally slapped herself for thinking such thought at this moment in time. Suddenly the mans eyes flashed a golden colour and then quickly changed back to his normal brown eyes. Alice didn't dare avert her eyes away from the man as she thought he may have something to do with the murder that took place before.

As the stranger was stood next to a window, Alice noticed that it was raining hard and within a blink, lightening flashed for around a half a minute. Blinded by the light, Alice shook her head furiously, closing her eyes whilst doing so, as she tried to retrieve her vision again. Once she had her eye sight back, she turned to where the stranger was, but he had disappeared. Now, instead of the man, there stood a wolf staring hungrily at Alice with its golden eyes. Its fur was a black with brown highlights mixed in it and the size of the wolf was surprising as it was twice the size of any wolf Alice had ever seen. This creature was truly mesmerising but Alice new that it was dangerous and the way it looked at her proved her point. She took a step back before tumbling over the now dead body of the lady. The wolf howled loudly and before Alice could shout 'help', it leaped into the air, towards her.

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