Chapter Two -Tied Up

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hello guys i hope you like this chapter it is rinrin101 here, i wrote this chapter because i thought it needed to be updated quickly so you guys dont get bored or thrustrated from no updates... please message good and bad points, vote and if you want to follow us we can keep you in touch we also do front covers so if your one of our fans we would be happy enough to do a front cover for you when needed hope you enjoy the chapter thankyou x x x


Alice’s pov

I awakened in a dim, shadowy room full of cobwebs and dust. The room was reasonably bare apart from a small rounded, wooden table and chairs that sat quietly in the corner of it. My arms and legs were bound to the chair I sat on with a large rope that hurt when I struggled.

“Where am I?” I screamed shedding tears down my pale white cheeks.

There was no answer. Was I alone? I wondered peering around the room with confusion. All of a sudden a door, creaked open from behind me and two men strode in. I decided to pretend I was still unconscious, tipping my head back into an awkward position. I could hear them whispering to each other about me, what made me even more anxious.

“Here she is father, isn’t she perfect” the first man said. I could feel his hand stroke through my hair making my spine shiver wildly.

“She will do, for the purpose we need her for, I’m sure at least one of them will like her” said the second man pacing back and forth. I could not imagine what came after that. As I felt a freezing cold chill on my face as some icy cold water was hurled at it.

“Ahh” I yelled shivering in coldness “what was that for” I squealed rocking back on my chair almost tipping it fully over. It was him, the guy I had seen earlier from the hotel. I couldn’t help but feel afraid; I mean this was the man who appeared to have murdered that young woman. My hands began to shake from both fright and coldness.

“Well how else was I supposed to wake you up” he replied with a cheeky grin.

He didn’t seem that bad, but I didn’t want to take the chance, I wasn’t going to trust anyone, not until I found out some answers, and who knows he could still be the one who killed an innocent woman. I built up the courage to speak once more.

“Err well firstly why I am here? why did you take me?” I asked gripping the sides of the chair.

“Oh I see, you want to know answers, well ok but do you think you can take it” he smirked obnoxiously.

“I hope” I trembled listening hard to what he had to say.

“ok then, you are here to be a mate to one of the hundreds of werewolf’s my father leads, you see my father is the alpha of this pack and without him I would have probably killed you by now, so if you want to survive I would follow what I say” his once handsome, tanned face turned into a more serious tone leaving me to think, what is going on?.

He left the room as quickly as he came in. Thoughts raced around my head like a greyhound on a track. Where wolfs I thought, I didn’t think they existed, I thought they were all a fairy-tale, wait until I tell dad, if I ever see him again. This only made me feel worse thinking about my family and how I may never see them again. What if I die here, where ever here is I don’t even know where I am. This made me more determined to find out where I was. I found that I could loosen the ropes slightly by wriggling my arms and feet around. It was agony though as the ropes were cutting into my skin as I squirmed; leaving large bloody scratches on my wrists and ankles, but it was worth it. As I was able to slide the ropes off. Creeping across the room I slid open the grimy material they used for curtains revealing vast acres of woods. There was not a soul in sight but a few deer and fox that was preying on a nearby sparrow. Where was he?.


hope you enjoyed this chapter we will be writing the next one really soon so keep reading or add it to your library if you follow us then we will send messages to all our fans saying when we will next update

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2012 ⏰

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