chapter 1

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Alex p.ov.

I was in the middle of a speed duel with a knight of Hanoi and I was almost out of life points and the only monster I had out was Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon I hand no spells or traps on the field and no cards left in my hand and I could tell this guy was about to link summon

Chaos Hero life points 500

??? Life points 2500

??? - it's over Chaos Hero

Chaos Hero - no it's only over till the last card is played I may loose this duel but you still have to deal with playmaker

??? - alright now come fourth the circuit of our future I use my link 3 monster and my one effect type monster as link materials now come fourth Link 4 Borreload Dragon

Chaos Hero - (scared) 3000 attack points

??? - alright link vrains say goodbye to your Chaos Hero now my monster wipe him out

Chaos Hero life points 0

Chaos Hero - (thinking) I lost playmaker atleast the vrains still has you

Random girl - no Chaos Hero!!!

I didn't know it but a portal opened up behind me as I was falling I passed out not knowing this was the last time I was going to be protecting the vrains

Ruri p.o.v

I was walking to a stadium to see a duel between my brother and Yuto I just walked threw the park and I saw someone on the ground unconscious so I ran over to him to see if he was alright

Ruri - excuse me sir please wake up

I was shaking and asking him to wake up but then I saw him trying to open his eyes

Alex p.o.v

I could feel someone shake me so I tried to wake up and as I opened my eyes I saw the most beautiful girl I have ever seen

I could feel someone shake me so I tried to wake up and as I opened my eyes I saw the most beautiful girl I have ever seen

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Alex - where am i

??? - sir are you ok

Alex - yeah but who are you

Ruri - my name is ruri

Alex - my name is Chaos Hero and most people in the vrains don't use their real names

Ruri - what do you mean I never heard of anything called the vrains and what do you mean by use their real names

Alex - wait what's the name of this city

Ruri - Heartland City

Alex - do you know the way to Den City

Ruri - Den City I don't know a place like that

Alex - ok but my real name isn't Chaos Hero it's Alex

Ruri - it's nice to meet you Alex

Alex - it's nice to meet you to so where are you going

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