Chapter 3 - Sakura Season

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Your Point of View

Mikoto and I were giggling together in the well-lit salon still, yet all of a sudden it changed. We went from giggling to sensing distress from a nearby street. It was more than odd to us, we were in a calm neighborhood.

"Hey Miko, I think someone is looking for us." I mentioned after feeling whatever the distress meant, my nails were still a bit tacky, it close enough to dry while I ran, I figured I would pay for myself and Miko. She would probably get mad that I paid for her. At least she'll save some money this way. Two birds one stone am I right?

Once I left I decided to check around and see if the feeling would get stronger if I were closer. The more I walked around the less I felt the distress, it was odd that so many guys were following me. I hated using my looks for things, but I asked them if they could search around for anyone who looked distressed, after around four minutes and few men came back. With a frail, blue haired boy, wearing our schools uniform.

"We found some short emo kid." A random guy told me, "Oh Kaidou, I'm sorry I left you at the arcade!" I exclaimed hugging the boy. I got many weird looks though it was unclear why, that was when I remembered in this part of Japan it's not normal for public display of affection. I understood it though, it can be quite awkward to people who witness.

"Oh! I'm sorry! We're not t-together." I told the people, "Thank you for finding him." I smiled at the people who helped, though something was off. There was a petite girl in a dark sweater and leggings. She quickly ran by, seemed as she didn't want to be seen. That's when I realized Kaidou had passed out with his face all blushed a pretty shade of crimson, as well as his head leaning over one of my tense shoulders.

I never really had friends, more or less the idea that they would pass out after a single hug. I thought it would be a good idea to take his phone and call his mom, but after just simply touching his pale hand, I was almost coincidentally knew exactly where to go in order to take him home.

As soon as I reached his house, the front door swung open. I was scared if it might've been his mom, but to my surprise Kaidou has a cute little brother. His hair was more spiky than his older brother.

"Could you show me where his room is so I can put him down?" I asked the small boy. He let me in and I'm assuming he told his mom that Kaidou had a girl over, because a middle aged woman with short, purple-tinted, bob-cut hastily walked to where we were and guided me to his room.

"This can't be his girlfriend, she's way out of his league" the woman thought about her eldest child.

"What a way to think about your own child." I scoffed in my head.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! Did my little Shun cause you any trouble?" She innocently asked trying to help me put him on his bed. I looked up at the woman and calmly shook my head.

"Well thank you ma'am, I apologize for I had to intrude. I just found Kaidou collapsed on the pavement, I think it would be a good idea for you to go easy on him." I explained to Ms, Kaidou, before trying to grab my belongings from the entrance of the house.

"Don't be in such a hurry, let's have a cup of oolong tea until Shun wakes up." His mother insisted. I could tell that I had no actual way out of this, maybe if I stare at her it'll unlock a weakness. I thought about it like it was a video game, but I still gave it a shot nevertheless.

After a few seconds of staring, the only words I could think of was 'school work'. Maybe she is a teacher? Wait! I have it!

"Ah, Ms, Kaidou. I'd love to stay for a cup of tea but I have a load of  homework I need to finish up before I do anything else." I finished talking and waited for her to say something. It was a complete success, she didn't tell me to stay. She actually encouraged me to do my school work, I hurried on my way and returned to the salon Miko was getting her nails done at.

"Ah hey, sorry I left!" I explained to her what happened, she took it pretty nicely before I nervously explained to her about the fact that I paid for her. I told her that I would need to get going and how I would end up seeing her at school the next day anyways. She was in my class after all, and now that Saiki introduced us I had a new friend.

On my way home I noticed a blonde girl in our school uniform, she wasn't the tallest. She was relatively flat chested and had many hair accessories, I had to admit she was really cute. She was on her phone, though she would look up approximately every 30 seconds. She looked somewhat lost, so I decided to talk to her. While I was walking in her direction I heard a couple of her thoughts.

"I've never seen her before! Shes wearing our school uniform.

"Isn't that the girl Teruhashi was talking about?"

"You go to PK Academy, right?" I started, as soon as she nodded I decided to finish, "Are you lost? Waiting for a specific someone?" I was confused as well as concerned for the younger girl, she was petite and cute; anyone could just come and swoop her up.

"Oh! No no, I'm okay. I am just enjoying the seasonal sakura blooming." The girl explained to me, "Are you a new student? I'm s-sorry if I'm being r-rude I jus-" I cut her off from finishing.

"Yes, I'm a new student." I reassured her smiling, she seemed to have gotten even more anxious after I smiled at her. I didn't notice at first but she had a picture of her with Teruhashi underneith her light pink sparkling phone case, I decided to bring it up to see what she would do.

"Are you friends with Teruhashi?" I simply asked, "Oh Kokomi? Y-Yeah! She's honestly such a goddess, she's so nice to everyone." The girl fawned over "the one and only" Teruhashi for what felt like years, "Don't tell her I said this, but I think you're prettier." She changed the subject rather quickly after saying this, almost as if someone was listening. "AH! Sorry I never even introduced myself, I'm such a bimbo, I'm Rifuta Imu! I'm a first year, I transferred here a little bit before Mikoto-chan!" The girl quickly explained, she talked really fast. It seemed as if she slurred her words to appear cuter to others. I thought she just appeared inadequate.

I gave the first year my number and as I was leaving the girl, I noticed she put me in named me as L/n-senpai. I never had been called senpai, I always told people to just not do special terms for me.

While walking home I realized that the hooded figure I saw before while I was with Kaidou, was following me. Their steps sounded like a female's. I peered over my shoulder to check if my anticipation was correct she wasn't super light weight, maybe around 158 cm (5'2), I stopped and turned around.

"Who are yo- Yumehara?!" It surprised me to see her, especially since I remembered she told me to stay away from Kaidou. I walked closer to her as she stayed silent. "I suggest you leave before I tell your little Kaidou that you were stalking him, and tried to isolate and ambush me." I threatened her, I hoped that she would get a hint and apologize. Surprisingly it went smoothly as planned.

"P-Please don't tell him! I'm sorry, I'll be going." She finished before running off in the opposite direction, I continued my walk home. I saw an orange cat, its thoughts were really loud and it had an obnoxious attitude. I didn't want to deal with it, so I left it. I walked up to my houses gate, only to see Saiki and a small child, with blue-green hair. The kid seemed like a handful. I was going to offer help, but before I could.

Something hard hit my head.


Final word count: 1,300
Edited story word count: 1,469

oops I made a cliffhanger

this chapter was really hard for me to write, so I apologize if it's really iffy :(

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