Shawn Mendes

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your p.o.v

You broke your foot when you tripped up the stairs to your apartment. the lovely couple next door to you came out when they heard the commotion. they saw you and took you to the hospital. due to the fact that you were being bombarded by questions nurses and doctors, you totally forgot the fact that your boyfriend was coming home today.

Shawn's p.o.v

I knocked on the door of Y/n apartment. I heard nothing in reply. that's funny, it's 7:00 pm she would be watching her episode of FRIENDS now. I can't hear the tv so she is definitely not home. I thought I'd ring her so I did "... hi, this is Y/N sorry I can't answer your call I'm busy call me in five ! peace out !" dang it! voice mail. it was like five times in a row. I let myself in using the key from under the doormat. I look around, through all the rooms, her bedroom, the lounge room, kitchen, and bathroom. Where is she ???

Your p.o.v

you finally got out of the hospital in a blue cast. my neighbours Linda and Tony told me that you could stay with them for the night. you refused politely telling them that you would be all ok. when you walk in the front door was open. hmmm.... you don't remember locking it. you crutch into my room to see Shawn, then remembering that he was coming home from tour.

"Shawn ! " you yell. he suddenly jumps and turns to see me standing there on crutches in a cast. he gaped his mouth for a few seconds before closing it. he walked to you taking the crutches away and leaned them against the wardrobe. he pulled you into his arms, wrapping his arms securely around your waist.

Shawn p.o.v

"y/n, what have you done to your self ?" I whisper in her ear as I pull her close. I fell her body lean into mine as she wraps her arms around my neck. a small smile plays on her lips.

"I tripped up the stairs," she said. I laugh a little. she whacks me playfully . "not funny it's really painful." she said glaring at me. I smile and pick her up carefully . "out of all the ways you could've broken a bone, you choose to trip up a flight of stairs. " I say laughing. she pouts and I kiss her cheek laying us both down carefully.

I carefully pull the covers over both of us, being careful not to knock her cast. she snuggles into my chest but before I can say another word, she was out like a light. I smile, placing a small kiss on her nose and pulling her in tighter. my baby was with me and that's all that matters. 


i got bored and copied and pasted one from my imagines one for all. it's Shawn Mendes i hope you like it !!

and thank you for 15.1k reads and 344 votes !!!!! I love you so much! 



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