Chapter 3

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~Second day of school~

I found someone to sit by on the bus, she seems nice so we talk a little while we walk off the bus and into school together.

"Can I stay with you? I don't really know anyone here."

"Sure but I have to go to my locker, wanna come?" I quickly say yes and walk along her side. While she was getting in her locker, I look around at all the students.

"You ready?" I look over confused, then realized she was done. We started to walk around talking about the school then the bell rang and I started to go to my first period. With everyone bumping into each other it wasn't very easy. We didn't do anything in first period because it's was just a study hall and no one had things to work on.

Then home room came which was the same as before....boring! Second period was kinda fun because my teacher seemed nice and fun! I mean science isn't my favorite subject but I think I'll like this class. Third period and I swear I fell asleep, I hate English.

Math was the same way, boring. Then stupid reading!! Lunch came and I sat with a girl that was in my reading class. I didn't eat though.

Sixth period came and I was walking through the lunch room to history and I stumbled a little bit from the trash on the floor. I walked in late because I went the wrong way. I took my seat where my teacher told me to sit and looked over to my right to see these two girls one had pink hair and big glasses but she dressed like a guy so I don't really know weather to call them a girl or a guy but the other had her hair in a bun and looked really shy.

We started to talk and I don't even remember how the conversation started but it did and they seemed very nice.

The girl with her hair in a bun asked me what the L+R was on my wist and I started to blush bad.

"Oh it's someone your dating isn't it??" The girl/guy said.

I couldn't stop blushing because they were right, it was someone I was dating.

I really care for them but the thing is they hasn't texted me or called me in two weeks. I don't really know weather I should stay with them or let them go?

Sixth period ended and I went to my last class which was photography. I'm so excited for photography, it seems so fun!

I sat by a girl named Grace and she helped me understand how to work things in photography.

The bell rang once more and I walked out and on to my bus, I sat by the girl I sat with when I came to school that morning and we talk about music and bands. It was my stop and I got off and went home. I had to go to dance class at 4:00pm so I got really for the class and walked there. I stayed there for at least three hours dancing and dancing, it claims me so I just kept going. Looking in the mirrors, I watch while I moved my hips to the beat, getting lost in the song.

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