" can i know your name? "

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your smile | binhwan (1)

" can i know your name? "

One punch.

And again.

And again.

And again.

Right after another one, another punch came directly to his body making another bruises on his pale skin. This was how it is for the short male for years. He lived up to this inhuman treatment at home and school. There was no safe place that he could hide. He was physically and mentally abuse from the people he knew.

They always say Family consists of the people who support and love you, and the people you can confide in and trust but not to Jinhwan, his so called "family" abuse him and make him as their slave.

They say that friends are who you can talk about everything with, who makes you feel comfortable without fear of judgement and can also be someone who is always there for you, caring about your well-being but not to Jinhwan, his so called "friends" left him, call him names and bullied him for their entertainment.

They say home is where you could feel safe at but to Jinhwan, it's where you could never hide, where pain and torture is there. There was no home for him. No place where he could be himself, where he could feel safe and hide to. There was just no place where he could fit in.

That is until he came into his life. His smile light up the smaller's world. The male taller than him but younger than him was called Kim Han Bin. He went up to the smaller with a big bright smile, " hey there! My name is Kim Hanbin. I'm new here but can I know your name?"

The older gasps and was shocked at this, "why would he ask my name? I'm pretty sure that the others would manipulate him to stay away from me and bully me by now. So how is he here?" While the other was deep in thoughts, he unknowingly stare at the taller with his cute stare that made the younger male awed at. He asked the older with a worried tone since the other boy still didn't answered him, "so um, you okay?"

Which made the older snapped from his thoughts, "h-huh? O-oh umm I'm Kim Jinhwan..." the shorter said quickly looking down from embarrassment. He didn't know that he was staring at the other male that was in front of him for too long. "what would he think now? That I'm a creep for staring at him oh my lord... Nice good Jinhwan, you made the new guy uncomfortable. A+ for that."

The younger of the two chuckled, "let's be friends, gnani hyung" he held up his hand to let the older hold his hand while said male was completely frozen in place but immediately snapped out and held his hand smiling, "sure!" the older said but at the back of his mind he thought, "will it be worth it?"

Weeks went by, and soon the two became closer, no one dared to get close to Jinhwan after Hanbin became his friend. They were afraid of the younger's strength. Months then went by and the two started to date each other after confessing under the rain. Hanbin had asked to Jinhwan to live with him on the 2nd month of their dating life. Jinhwan of course being the good boyfriend he was, said yes immediately.

In the span of 3 years the two had an amazing life together, but one of Hanbin's favourite times in those 3 years was when his baby smiled the brightest smile he had ever seen. It was the day when Hanbin asked Jinhwan to be his. Oh, but not all happy times could last forever. There is bound to be a twist.

Hanbin cried, tears of joy. He immediately went to Jinhwan who was cooking lunch for them. Jinhwan who didn't know what was going on when he saw his lover crying, rush to close the stove and ran to him.

your smile | binhwanWhere stories live. Discover now