Part Three

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Finn had visited Bran at school, his house where he lives with his grandmother Thalia James, and at his part time job in a dog shelter. The eighteen year old works there as clerk on his free days, Wednesday afternoon, whole of Saturdays and Sunday mornings.

One Saturday afternoon, Finn dropped by the dog shelter again.

"Hello, P'Finn!" Zeanne, Bran's co-worker greeted the guy soon as the door chimed and he stepped in. "He's in the back showing a prospective pet to a couple." She said, gesturing the regular visitor towards the back door.

Finnegan thanked the female clerk. He gave a simple greeting as a response to the usual barking, whining, and whimpering of the dogs in their kennels seemingly begging to be chosen and taken home. Finn then walked towards the door to get to the large corral where dogs get to run about. He saw Bran playing 'fetch a stick' with a chocolate Labrador much to he amusement of two elderly couple that Zeanne had mentioned.

"He's older but he's still very much a puppy at heart." Brandon told the couple. "He's willing to please just to be loved and cared for again. He lost his family to an accident and he's been here since."

"The husband called the dog back by the name Brand called it. "Hobo, come." The Labrador ran back to the couple, with a stick he dropped to the floor and was panting as he received a we'll deserved petting on the head. Hobo was happy.

"We had adopted more than a couple of older dogs, dear." The woman said. "...since my husband and I came and live in the area. It's our second chance, you see. And we love to share it with these lovely creatures who share the same circumstance as us. Old or not, it's never too late to be find love and a home."

Bran was teary as he watched the couple pet the dog with affection as if they've known the canine forever. When his eyes darted back to he shelter building, he noticed Finn standing by the doorway. He averted the guy's gaze and went back to talking to the expectant adopters.

"So I guess Hobo will have friends at home?"

"We had three but there's only Prince B left." The husband said. Bran smiled at name of the couple's dog. "The other two were a lot older than Hobo when we got them. But we tried to give them the best life."

"Prince B is as old as Hobo, you see." The wife added. "They'll be best of pals."

When Bran and the couple along with Hobo came back inside, Finn wasn't there anymore. The couple happily filled the adoption forms and left with the new addition to their home.

Brandon sighed a hundred time as he lay in wait while doing his chores inside the shelter. He was about to tend to another prospective adopter or pet owner upon hearing the entrance door chime. It wasn't a client.

It was Finnegan with a boquet of white roses at hand.

Zeanne whistled behind the counter. "You know dear Sir, somebody grew a long neck looking and waiting for you."

"No, I did not!" Bran interjected.

"Did I say it was you?" Zeanne asked with a huge grin on her face.

"Aish!" Bran threw a glare to his teasing co-worker and tried his best to ignore the newcomer. Finn proceeded to he counter where Zeanne was standing.

"I'm here to adopt."

Bran's ears perked u as he pretended to check on the food supply of their beloved canines.

"You've visited us for weeks on end, Mister. Have you found your favorite yet?" Zeanne began his interrogation. She played along after Finn showed her a baby picture and pointed at Bran.

"Oh yeah." Finn replied. "You see, I've lost him over six years ago. I had to leave so he might have felt... abandoned. But I needed to go to college, earn a living so I can provide for him and give him a comfortable life."

"Uh-huh." Zeanne was grinning from ear to ear while keeping an eye on Bran.

"Now I'm here and I want to take him home with me." Finn added.

"Dear Sir, do you really have what it takes to take him home with you? Care for him? Love him for the rest of your life?"

"Of course, I do." Finn sincerely replied. He's had this talk with Bran's grandmother, in secret of course.

"But there is one factor you failed to consider, dear sir." Zeanne teased.

With furrowed brows, Finn asked, "Yeah? What's that?"

"He has been getting... prospective owners here and there, you see." Zeanne said with a grin permanently plastered in her face. "Lots." She emphasised.

"No, I don't!" Bran said as he ran back to the counter from across the room. "I said that because... Because I'm not a dog." He uttered defensively. "No one can adopt me."

With a loud laughter, the female clerk left the counter and welcomed the set of people who entered the shelter. He was greeting them just as when Finn handed Bran the boquet. The latter took it with pursed lips and put them in a vase with water. When he got back to Finn, the air between them suddenly was filled with awkward silence and tension.

Finn cleared his throat. "You really don't have a suitor, do you? Perhaps girlfriend or an ex?"

"You see me everyday. You should by now that I don't." Bran murmured while pretending to arrange a stack of papers by the computer in front of him.

Finn heard it loud and clear. He grinned to himself. "So... I do have a big fat chance to take you home with me?"

Bran tilted his head slightly, heartbeat palpitating. "T-Take me home?"

"Yes." Finn answered, his dark brown eyes looking deeply into Bran's. He reached for the younger guy's hands and cupped them between his. "Let's own each other. Say yes, baby."

(To be continued...)

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