Part 12

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There was a sudden knock at the door.

"I'll get it" I got up and walked towards the door.

I opened the door and saw Grace.

"Wassup girl come in" I said informally.

I guided the way to the living to find changkyun faced towards the TV.

"Babe," I said softly.

He shifted his head to the side to make contact with both me and Grace.

"This is Grace" I smiled softly.

"Yoooo" She said trying to act cool.

"Hey" He then replied making a wide smile.

I walked over to him and sat by him signaling Grace to sit.

She pulled out her, and I was confused.

Suddenly my phone buzzed.

Grace: Girl u gots da full package

Y/n: lol stop

Grace: and you in his shirt too, sis u living the y/n life rn

Y/n: lololololol

I then put the phone down and began conversation.

"You guys hungry?" I said excited.

"Yeah" Changkyun replied quickly.

"What bout you girl" I said to Grace.

"Nah I ate, plus I got some stuff to do so I'll get going" she got up leaving my clothes and we both greeted her out.

Once she left I spoke.

"You seemed shy,?" I stared at him.

"No, I just like to focus on one girl only, you" he smiled pulling me into a hug.

"Too cheesy" I playfully slapped him.

"What do you want to eat?" I said ruffling his hair.

"I'd like you, please" he said leaning in for a kiss.

"Let's go out to eat" i replied quickly getting out of grip and running away with my clothes.

"Come here" he ran after me.

I was pretty content of the my lifestyle, but somedays I thought about Kihyun.

What were the things that he lied about?

Who else was lying to me?

Changkyun has a whole different side to him that I haven't seen yet, should I worry?

It was like he was a monster of some sort.

But maybe I was just overreacting.

A few months I had been one of the most innocent girls on the planet,

What happened?

~The end~

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