Friends, or Enemies?

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Sora ran into the next room, the other's trailing behind him.

"Sora, not so fast!" Donald shouted.

Sora turned to face him, "We don't have time! They've got Naminé. We gotta rescue her!" He started running again.

"Where does he get all that energy?" Rue muttered.

"Phew, Sora sure does seem like he's upset," Goofy gasped.

"You'd be too," Donald said.

"Yeah," Violet agreed. "He just remembered a friend bit found out she's in trouble!"

"Good point," Goofy said, looking at Sora who was jumping up and down and waiting for them to hurry up. "I guess if we heard that the king was in danger, we would be pretty upset about that, too." 

Rue sighed, "We better go join up with Sora. He looks like he's gonna pass out if we take any longer." The four ran up to the panicking Sora.

====Time Skip====

The door closed behind Sora, leaving him in the next room alone. He gasped.

"You're...Riku!?" Sora ran up to him. "What are YOU doing here?"

"Not happy to see me?" Riku asked. "Lemme know if I'm getting in the way- ya know, of something that's more important."

Sora looked hurt. "Huh? I didn't mean that..."

Riku glared at him. "Hmph. Spare the excuses. I bet that you had all but forgotten about me."

"Are you crazy?" Sora shook his head, "C'mon. I came all this way looking for YOU!"

"But you're not anymore, right? Now it's only... Naminé that you're looking for," Riku said, venom clear in his voice. "You don't care about me. Just like you never cared- at all... about her feelings."

"Naminé's...?" Sora whispered.

Riku smirked, "Hmph. I knew it. Never even gave it a thought, did you? Just cuz you want to see Naminé- sorry- doesn't go both ways," Riku stabbed a finger at Sora. "Tell ya the truth, Naminé doesn't even want to look at your face."

A shocked expression crossed Sora's face. "Why not!?"

Riku looked away from him. "You should ask your memories... why Naminé disappeared from the islands. Remember that, and you'd know."

Sora looked at the ground. "Did I... Did I do something? Is it my fault?" Sora looked at Riku as darkness swirled around him. "Riku..."

Riku appeared in his dark form and smirked. "Go home, Sora. I'll care for Naminé. Anyone who goes near her..." he summoned his Soul Eater, "...goes through me!" 

Riku crossed swords with the surprised and confused Sora. Sora grunted.

 "What's- What's wrong with you!? We're supposed to be friends!"

"Please, Sora. Since when have you ever cared about me?" Riku spat. "Naminé's not the only one who's sick of looking at you. So am I!"

Sora looked at Riku desperately. "Riku, stop it!"

Riku only held up his sword, ready to fight. They struck each other many times, though each blow felt like a stab in Sora's heart.

===Time Skip (Because I suck at fighting scenes)===

Both Sora and Riku were breathing heavily, exhausted from the battle. Riku growled and dashed in the opposite direction of Sora. Sora gasped and ran after him. 

"Riku! Please wait!" Sora shouted. But Riku was already up the stairs and gone. Sora stared after him, more pain ringing in his chest.

===Time Skip===

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