01|| We meet again, Little Hanyo

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Tsubasa watched the sky along with Sesshomaru, his arms crossed before turning when Jaken called for them.

" Lord Sesshomaru and Lord Tsubasa!" Jaken squawks, " The tomb is here!"

" Are you sure Jaken?" Sesshomaru questioned as Jaken took hold of the staff once more. 

" Of course, the staff has never led us astray! Not one fail either!" Jaken assured as he stared at the horizon. " Clearly, it must mean this tomb!" He moved forwards and Tsubasa perked up hearing the growls, he watched a group of feral dogs surrounded the tomb and growling warningly at the smaller demon.

" Beast?" Jaken tensed, "Lords? It is exactly what I expected." Both Sesshomaru and Tsubasa walked forwards, both seemingly not caring about the noisy beast which Jaken respected. Though he hid behind Tsubasa while grasping his staff tightly. 

" Poor creatures." Tsubasa muttered as he held onto Sesshomaru's arm, linking them together. Sesshomaru allowed this affection, and his eyes glanced around the animals.

" The fang I seek, once I have it my power will be far greater." Sesshomaru states as the dogs came closer and bare their own fangs at the group.  " Though my power is still insufficient, I'm too naïve.. it is yet to be limited." Tsubasa grips more on his darlings arm. He shouldn't talk so lowly of himself, Tsubasa thought he was the strongest around. His darling was a purebred demon, a purebred demon dog.

" I still know not of my own limits." Sesshomaru mused as he moved his arm out, the one that Tsubasa wasn't holding and glowed a soft yellow color. " or perhaps I presume too much." Tsubasa smiles before moving back, he knew what he was doing.

The feral dogs jumped forwards with their mouths open and ready to snap at the demon who dared tried to hurt the tomb. Sesshomaru began spinning and a thin golden line whip around and the dogs were in pieces and blood hit the ground around Sesshomaru but not a single strain on him. Once the deed was done, Tsubasa was back at his darlings side and held his arm once more.

" Position the staff, Jaken."

" Y-Yes!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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