This story is about a girl named Mitra living in The Kingdom of Hungary, in a town named Horehronie. Mitra loved being by herself in the calming effect of nature. She would go out in the forest near Horehronie, and sing to herself in her language dialect, "the most beautiful trees I know are in this land, this silent brotherhood is calling me to come back, and I always return whenever i am feeling sad, and I don't know what else to do, and the trees are telling me to shake it off my shoulders." Mitra loves going to the forest, but her mother says there are wolves in that forest. But Mitra doesn't care. She loves that forest with all of her heart.
There is a river by the forest that nobody knows about. So far, Mitra has not named the river. She loves the river. She catches fish in it, starts a fire, and cooks the fish. She camps out there sometimes, and her mother gets worried sick. She loves that river. The river without a name.