Chapter 1 - Nina's New Start

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 A lot of people hate change, especially me. After a difficult year on the east coast, my mom and I decided we would move in with her sister and my cousin to the easy going west coast. West coast? Like the warm and sunny California? No. We moved to the only place my aunt and mom ever lived. I guess you could say my mom was pretty excited and anxious to move back to the place she called home for so long. That place is Aberdeen, Washington. It was a pretty crazy experience moving so far away, but it’s what had to be done. My mom and I both realized there was nothing going for us in New Jersey, so we packed up our things and were on a plane to Washington in no time.

  Moving day came faster than I anticipated. Saying goodbye to my two best friends was pretty difficult, but I knew this change was something I needed. I’ve been best friends with Stephanie and Tori since middle school. They were the only constant in my life since those awkward pubescent pre-teen years. They were always so supportive of my many dreams and hobbies. I’m constantly bouncing off the walls…I just can’t sit still! I need to be doing something constantly. My hyperactivity is something they always had to deal with, but they never said it bothered them.  I said goodbye to my friends with tear filled eyes, which was super painful to go through. After it was time to leave NJ for good, my mom and I got a cab to the airport and before we knew it, we were six hours away from a new start.  

  The plane ride to Washington felt extremely short despite the long six hours.  Before I knew it, the plane landed in a gloomy Tacoma haze.  I exited the plane completely in a daze. Am I sad or excited?  I couldn’t tell.  The SeaTac airport was filled with a variety of people, but what I noticed the most was all the artsy, musician types.  Those types of people were abundant in the Seattle/Tacoma area but I doubt I will find any of them in the sucky town of Aberdeen.  

  We rented a car and drove to our new home in Aberdeen.  The trip was about two hours, but I saw all the boring sights I was bound to eventually see.  I slowly dozed off, daydreaming about my new school, new house, and new life.  I felt the car slow down and come to a stop.  I slowly opened my eyes and saw nothing but dreary colors.  I’m finally home.

  Home as in my aunts place, but that still counts right? As soon as my mom and I got out of our taxi, Aunt Maria and Krist were running outside to greet us. We were all filled with happy tears, minus Krist of course, we all know how boys are. After taking everything out of the taxi, we all helped to get our things inside. The house is a rather large one. When my mom was growing up, there was two girls and three boys, so my grandparents had to have a big house. My aunt was the only one in the family who could afford to keep the house after my grandparents died and nobody wanted to let it go, so she decided to keep it.

  Upstairs is where all our rooms are. At the right end of the long horizontal hallway is the bathroom, then goes Krist’s room, my room, my mom’s room, and lastly my aunt’s. Between Krist’s room and mine is a small walk in closet we always used to hide in when we would play hide and seek with the rest of our cousins as kids. There are so many great memories in this house that I’m actually feeling really good about living here.

  By the time my mom and I settled into our new rooms, my Aunt Maria had made dinner for us all. My Aunt Maria is probably one of the coolest mom’s ever, and my cousin Krist is like a carbon copy of her. I would see them only once, maybe twice a year for major holidays. Krist and I always kept in touch, whenever we get together he’s more of a brother than a cousin to me. We like all of the same things, especially music. He plays the bass in a band too, which I’m hoping maybe he’ll teach me a few things.

  As we sat eating dinner, we talked a little about how we’ve all been and what’s been going on in our lives, with most of the conversation being about the move and how much we’re so happy to all be together. We started talking about school and how I was nervous to go since I only know Krist. I know Krist will be with me to show me around but it’s still scary. It’s the middle of October and everyone is already settled with their classes and group of friends. Considering I have to go to school this Monday I better get used to the idea of it. Krist said everyone is really nice and I will probably love his friends because we all have A LOT in common. I really hope so.

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