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Over a billion years ago, the world was formed and with it where the angels.

They created all you see today.

Before you where even born angels where flying among you, Singing songs across the open night sky. Yelling at the starts to shine brighter.

Over a billion years ago, there was a angel named Lucifer. Who was shunned by God for wanting to be like him.

So, Lucifer in all his anger flew down to the earth and found that the earth was a place he could roam in and reek havoc among the humans there.

Then he realized that earth didn't want him there either.

So, Lucifer made the woods.

A secret wood that no one could find except him.

A place where he would finally be the man he was suppose to be.

He started a colony. 

In the woods. 

And with it a daughter to love forever.

He wasn't a devil then,

but he is now.

Angel in the woods ( A Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now