He Is The Stalker To My Eye - Chapter One - Part 3

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Hello <(' . ')> Viruz again. I feel like I'm doing a pretty good job but I'd like to know what you guys think. Tell me wht I need to do better and how. Thanks :). Here's part 3, Hope third times the charm '__'./

Also. I now added a picture of christine. Yayy. The actress is called Gouriki Ayame. I feel like she would be great. Hope you guys like it. Viruz is out, peace! 


"Hey. Wait up!" Marissa yells while running at me. I just keep on walking but not for long before Marissa tackled me to the grass.

"I said wait up." She mutters.

"I'm sorry. I'm just not in a good mood. Gina yelled at me. And just because I asked why my dad left." I start to feel my eyes get wet.

"Don't cry." Marissa says, "I know what will make you feel better." She starts to grin.


"You know Arien, that guy you have a crush on?"

         I cover her mouth and look around to make sure nobody heard. Then I let go and look straight at her face.

"Yeah. What about it?"

"Well, I heard a rumor that he likes a girl that is the same age as you."

I start to get butterflies in my stomach.

"I doubt it's me."I say, I then turn around then start fast walking to my other friends.

"Hey Christine." Carly speedly says while pushing her glasses up.

        I notice that she is playing Sorcery.

"Why do you keep on playing that game? It's a super old and boring game. It just like dungeons and dragons." 

        Carly glares at me.

"It is nothing like Dungeons and Dragons." She strikes at me with her tone. Carly pushes her glasses up again. "In this game, you are a landsummoner who wants to get the highest rank. The highest rank is skull summoner. Unlike Dungeons and Dragons, you use card to defeat your opponent. You can use spells and wizardry to destroy them also."

"I stand corrected. It's worse. I bet I can win even not knowing how to play anyways."

"Do you have a deck?"

"No. But I c-"

"Then you can't play." Carly says, interrupting her.

        The bell rings. Carly and her friends start packing up.

"Well, it looks like it's time for math." I say.

"Then lets go. And one more thing. We have a test in math today."

        I sigh then rub my eyes.

"This can't get any worse or better, can it?"

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