in which izuku gets a taste of true heights

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Crossposted to ao3 under Luna_C. Somewhat connected to the one true fear. Manga spoilers.


“WHERE IS MY LORD?!” Gigantomachia cried out as he swung his lumbering arms. He currently was laying waste to a city, trying to release the melancholy and frustration at the loss of his lord.

To put it simpler terms, he was having a tantrum.  Gigantomachia was one of the most loyal of All for One's henchmen, but yet he was sent out the least.

Tiny heros were trying to take him down. Like flies, he swatted them away. Large tears fell from his eyes. “Oh Lord where did you go?” he wailed.

Gigantomachia heard a feral scream and a green blur appeared in front of his face.

“Detroit smash!”

His face was punched sideways. Wait... the blur sounded like his Lord, and one of the last thing he bothered to remember was that he overheard his Lord mentioned something about a young child to that cursed doctor…

He stopped crying and elation spread through his body. It was a Little Lord!

Gigantomachia felt an inkling of a smile stretch on his face. His Lord must've wanted him to find Little Lord!

A scream broke him out of his thoughts. “OH NO LITTLE LORD! FORGIVE ME!” He boisterously yelled while grabbing the tiny green thing with his hands.

Bringing up Little Lord to his face, Gigantomachia grinned like an excited puppy at his Little Lord.

“YOU'RE SO TINY, LITTLE LORD!” He exclaimed while bringing the struggling boy closer to his face. “YOU HAVE LORD'S FRECKLES!”

The boy just squirmed in his grasp. He suspiciously stared at Gigantomachia. “Uh. I don’t know what type of trick this is, but I promise you it’s not working.”

Gigantomachia laughed boisterously. “LITTLE LORD, YOU ARE SO HILARIOUS, JUST LIKE LORD!” he says, placing Little Lord on his shoulders. He knows Lord wouldn’t abandon him for nothing, so he figures that Lord must’ve wanted him to find Little Lord and protect him.

The puny heroes that were trying to take him down earlier were gawking at Little Lord who was perched on his shoulder, trying to hold on. Gigantomachia didn’t like how some were glaring at his tiny Lord, so he narrowed his eyes. “LITTLE LORD, CAN I KILL THESE HEROES FOR YOU? THEY DON’T DESERVE TO TREAT YOU LIKE THIS!”

Little Lord squeaked. “N-No! Don’t kill my friends! A-and please don’t ruin any more buildings!”

Grunting in acknowledgement, he grumpily sat on a half-flattened building, making it more flat considerably. Gigantomachia, with Little Lord on his shoulder, listened as the heroes talk with Little Lord about what to do next. Any idea about separating him and Little Lord were quickly shut down by him when he growled and made to crush whichever foolish hero proposed the idea.

Eventually, they all reluctantly agreed with Little Lord’s proposition. Gigantomachia promised not to destroy any more buildings if he got to stay with Little Lord, or Izuku, the real name of his Little Lord.

He thought that Little Lord would be better, but Little- Izuku, prefered to be called by his name. Gigantomachia didn’t really care, as long as he got to protect him.

While his Lord didn’t specify this mission, Gigantomachia figures his Lord wouldn’t mind.

Rubbing his temples, Aizawa tiredly listened to Izuku as he retold what happened for the second time.

“And he just kind of stopped? I thought I had angered him, but turns out he thinks I’m like, I don’t know, the child of, uh, his Lord?” Izuku scratched the back of his head. Aizawa was way too tired to deal with this right now.

Never in his years of teaching has he thought that he would have to talk to one of his students from a window because a giant human wouldn’t put him down. They were whispering to each other, to try and keep their discussion away from Gigantomachia’s ears, but that’s pretty hard when Izuku was literally on the giant’s shoulder.

Sighing, he rubbed a hand down his face. “And do we know who his ‘Lord’ is?”

Izuku frowned and thought for a second. After a moment, he cringed and looked down guiltily. He started to mutter, and Aizawa reached out to tap his shoulder.

“Hey, problem child. Come back to the living.” Aizawa said. Izuku shook out of his mumble trance and looked to the side.

Hesitating, Izuku worried his lip for a few seconds before he took a deep breath in. “It’s All for One.”

As soon as he finished his sentence, he cringed. Aizawa felt a migraine coming on, and he took a deep breath in. “Are you sure about that?” He asked to clarify.

Nodding, Izuku had a serious glint in his eyes. “Yes sir. If we took the context that, one, he was talking about his Lord’s insufficient ‘successor’ and two, how he has multiple quirks, it all leads to All for One.”


Aizawa flinched at the booming voice of Gigantomachia. Izuku made a strangled noise as he was lifted from the shoulder of the large man and squeezed. (Aizawa thought that the poor child looked more crushed the more he was held.)

He managed to catch Izuku’s strained voice under all the yelling of Gigantomachia. “At least we have confirmation….” Aizawa barely heard.

Putting his head in his hands, he tiredly sighed. Aizawa doesn’t get paid enough for this.

All for One was bored out of his mind. He knows that he is indeed a high level security prison, the least he could have is something to fiddle with, like a rubix cube. (But alas he was denied that request, saying that it would be too dangerous. What would he do with a rubix cube? Throw plastic colored bricks at the bullet proof glass?)

As he was checking in on Inko with search, he felt a guard walk into his cell area with a laptop. All for One raised his metaphorical eyebrows. A laptop? Usually they bring people to ‘chat’ with him, not computers.

Grinning, he sat a little straighter in his restraints. This was definitely going to be fun.

“Hello All for One.”

Ah. Izuku’s voice. All for One nods to himself as he confirms it. He has died of boredom and somehow passed into heaven.

Still, he doesn’t feel dead. He calls out, to test the waters. “Hello there. Why are you calling me, Midoriya Izuku? Here to try to get me to spill my secrets? Well, I’ll have you know, that-”


All for One flinched at the loud voice he recognized as Gigantomachia. “Ah. So you have found my little surprise. I-”


The call was cut off. All for One could only guess why, until Toshinori walks in with Inko and a deep scowl.

The only thought coursing through All for One’s glorious mind was  Oh shit.

in which izuku gets a taste of true hights.Where stories live. Discover now