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"Hey, Yoongi!" a boy called from the hall, said turned to look at the older boy stumbled towards me, he starred up at him with dull eyes, "Yoongi! It's me, Seokjinnie Hyung."

"Suga knows..." he said, looking up, blinking slowly at him, he watched as Jin tilted his head slightly, but shook the shook it off quickly.

"Uhm, let's speak in private, " he pulls the younger into one of the empty class rooms, "I know things, Yoongi, Namjoon told me yesterday, and I hope you don't mind me asking..." Suga's breathe hitched as he then spoke again, "how long have you had DID?"

Suga then pushed him to the wall, a few thingy rattling behind him from the impact, "Namjoon is a liar, Jin does not know of these things, Jin will shut his mouth and not speak of that!" he growled.

"Yoongi! I am your hyung, I shall not be-" he then had Seokjin in a choke hold, snarling at him. "Y-YoOnG-gI-" he spluttered.

"Jin shall not say things about Suga, or Suga will hurt Seokjin!" he yelled, throwing the boy down, Jin coughed loudly as he held his almost purple neck in pain. "Seokjin will NOT make this mistake again..." Suga then walked out the room, leaving Jin to lay in the ground, holding his throat in pain. He then got a text.

Namjoonie 💞🤧🐨
Baby, where are you?
You said that you were going to talk to Yoongi but he just walked out of class?
Are you okay, Jin?
Seokjin, are you okay?

Ring... Ring... Ring...

"Jin? Where are you?" Namjoon asked from the other side of the phone.

The older coughed in response, "I-I'm in that class-" he chokes on his words.

"JIN? I-IM COMING!" Namjoon then burst through the door, seeing his boyfriend holding his throat in pain as he coughed loudly, "What-what do you need?"

Seokjin makes a signal for a pump, an asthma pump to be exact, he was having an attack. Namjoon then throws his bag off, immediately looking in the back pocket, pulling out the emergency pump that Namjoon always carries with himself.

Soon, one after another, people came in to see what the ruckus was. Seokjin was now leaning against the teachers desk with Namjoon's jacket around his broad shoulders. "Is he okay?" one of the students asked.

Namjokn silently nodded, biting his lip before speaking, "he just had a bad asthma attack, you should all get to your classes, can one of you get the nurse just in case?"

The student that spoke up nodded and ran out, in search of the nurse's office, then everyone followed him out and to their classes. Namjoon then looked at the older, "baby, what happened?"

"I... Yoongi... I asked him about his DID, a-and he started choking me, I-I couldn't breathe then I had the attack, that's why I couldn't reply to your message... I'm sorry for making you worry, Namjoon.." he mumbled.

The younger just chuckled, kissing his plump lips lightly before grabbing his chin to make him look up at him, "you did make me worry, but in the end it was fine, I'm just glad my little princess is safe... Now give me a smile, you know I hate it when you're frowning, it gives you wrinkles, and we'd hate to see one of those on your beautiful face, now do we?"

Seokjin licked his lips before looking back up at Namjoon with a small smile, "I love you, baby..." he spoke, grabbing his hand and lacing their fingers together.

"I love you too, my doll..." Namjoon pecked his delicate lips softly, the older doing the same to him, the two making out in the classroom slowly, wanting to just live in that small moment. Jin caressed the other's cheek softly as they kissed, he smiled softly in the middle of it.

"Well isn't that nice?" a fairly old woman spoke, smiling at the door. Namjoon pulled away from Jin, both red-faced. "I wasn't here long, boys, it's okay..." she laughed, "ah, to be young, you two will always be happy, I can tell."

"To be young?" Seokjin chuckled, "ma'am, you don't look a day over 29."

"Ah, such a sweet boy you are, " she laughed, pulling a chair from one of the desks, "now let's see your throat, sweetie..."

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