Hellfire And Desperation

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She didn't remember much of the first half of the battle on the Shore.

She remembered the beginning charge, running up the shoreline and clashing with the demons that were eager for blood. She remembered the burn of the felfire as it met the skin of her arms, the sulfurous stench as it burned the edges of her cloak.

She remembered the blood of her fellow Horde members as they were picked off in the charge, their screams in the dark blending in with the shrieks of imps and roars of the other beasts.

A light burned brightly in the shadows of her heart when she saw the Alliance forces on the opposite ridge, their champions cutting a swath of legion beasts to pieces as they charged up the incline. The friendly banter between her leaders and King Varian lit some spark of hope in her chest that everything would work out OK. That they could share this world.

The fight against the pitlord was where she could feel something terrible was going to happen. Her mana reserves, bright and deep as the sea, were lower than she had ever felt them. She hadn't dipped to half reserves since she was an apprentice just learning magic, and she could feel the drain in her strength with every frostbolt, frost nova, and blizzard she cast.

She thought the battle was nearly over when the pitlord fell. She was wrong. Swarm upon swarm fell upon them, rising up from the cliffs and dropping out of the skies.

"Archers! Keep cover fire!" Was shouted across the battlefield as felbats shrieked and dove at the heroes of Azeroth. The mages did their best to fight both the land demons and the airborne ones, spells being flung everywhere.

Sometime in the fighting Elsaria ended up next to the tauren druid from before, a troll and goblin hunter team standing back-to-legs as their pets tore apart their enemies. Moonfire rained from the sky, the angry screech of a massive night-elven owl resonating through the air as it obeyed the commands of the troll who called it. An even larger corehound galloped into the middle of a pack of imps with its master on its back, explosive devices flying everywhere as is custom with most goblin fights. The tauren spoke up first.
"If we were to retreat someone would need to alert the Alliance. We would need to at least try holding the cliff long enough for them to get out as well as ourselves." He trapped several demons in thick vines as he spoke, finishing them off with an overpowered fury spell. They never stood a chance.
"We would need to spread word of this and get volunteers. I doubt we will last much longer against the numbers of these brutes."

"It's almost as if 'ey knew we was comin'. " The troll spoke out. It was true- there were far more of the creatures on the Broken Shore than they had report of. They just kept coming.
"Leave alerting to me, beefcake, screechy, frosty snack." The goblin crowed, a smirk across his marred face at the other champions looks of offensive disgust.
"OI LOSERS!" Was heard over the ring of battle as the corehound charged off with its master, the cries of angered imps getting cut off as they were trampled under paw.

The next thing she knew, the goblin returned, with a medium group of people with weapons of varying sorts. There were at least two shaman, three druids- one in feral form, the others healing, several hunters and a few scattered warriors. Each held a look of bloodthirst in their dark eyes, weapons dripping green blood.
"I brought reinforcements, frosty snack, and they're salivating to spill demon blood! If we die we're goin down with a bang!" He cheerily held up a large barrel of explosive material pulled from who knows where. Was it even safe to have that thing near the giant magma dog? A few mages blinked into view at the back of the group, nodding to her in acknowledgement. If things went south they would be ready to port, or slow fall if necessary.

Vol'jin and Sylvanas fought further away on the cliff, decimating demons several at a time. Thrall did shaman things a little further away. The Alliance soldiers below them clashed with the tide of demonic beasts, some looking up gratefully when they got a brief rest from the beasts from the Horde provided arrow fire.

In the fighting she had lost track of her leaders. A druid flew up in the form of a hawk to scout the battlefield, almost getting incinerated before crashing back down to the fight. Fear shone in her eyes as she tried to speed up her healing, hair once dark as the ocean glistening with red from the half-healed burning gash across her forehead.

"Dere be more! Dere flankin us! Loa 'ave mercy, it never ends!" The Tauren druid snorted with displeasure.
"If the Earth Mother is to reclaim us now, then I, Bronn Bearhammer, shall show these beasts nature's wrath before I answer!"
A blast of smoke accompanied a roar filled with fury, and the massive form of a black horned bear rose up to stare challengingly at the demons surrounding them.

The memory of the group she fought alongside would stay with her forever, she decided. Even the goblin, as distasteful as he was, had wormed his way into some part of her heart. If this was to be the end it was a good one, she decided.
The retreat horn blew. Elsaria looked towards her companions. Thirty in total, just over the size of a small raiding party.

Sorry Warchief. But if we are all to get away we need to buy some time.

The mages fired up slow fall, sending the spell out towards the fifteen who would join the battle below. This was against their orders as Horde but to them, the fight was no longer For the Horde. It was For Azeroth.

She gathered what power she could spare to summon the largest flying mount she could. The massive azure netherwing snarled and unfurled his wings. As they prepared behind arcane walls an Alliance gunship lowered from the heavens.

For Azeroth.

They leapt from the clifftop.

Aaaaaay this is later than planned but college is now a thing. Also I started watching Boku no Hero Academia. Got ideas for there now too but don't know if I should write or not. If anyone is still there I sincerely apologise.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2019 ⏰

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