Title: Wait OR Date
By: @MaramHossam
Summary: Nada is in her last year of college. Many people see her as immature. Her parents and her friend, Noor, accuse her of not being a proper Muslimah. Nada has even admitted to going through the motions with her faith, because she's surrounded by practicing Muslims. On multiple occasions, Nada has approached her parents about diving into the secular world, like dating because she sees no reason to do things the Islamic way. Meet Adam. Adam is the boy her parents want her to marry, and the man that has offered Nada a challenge.
Review: I give this piece a 5 out of 10. This story only has the prologue and four chapters up. There are some issues with sentence structure that makes it hard to follow. We are told everything instead of shown things. For example, on many occasions Nada has told the reader, or had someone else tell the reader, about Nada being considered childish; however, we never see Nada actually act like a child. The narrator's voice seems younger than twenty-one and her brother, Nader, seems younger than twenty-five. While this does not make it hard for the reader to follow, it does impact the view of the main character and her family. However this is a small portion of the book and Insha'Allah the story will grow.
Muslim Book Reviews
Spiritual{May the right words be placed among the righteous.} A compilation of reviews to Wattpad's Muslim Spiritual stories.