f i v e

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『y/n's pov』

"And you're sure that's your crush?"

Jinwoo nods. It was after school and Jinwoo and I were hiding behind a wall. We were watching a girl who was putting books in her locker which was covered with a bunch of Kpop posters.

Are we even allowed to do that? Isn't that considered as vandalising?

"Jinwoo, why are you even hiding? No one can see you."

"I know, i just want to feel like i'm in Mission Impossible."

I rolled my eyes.

It's okay. Just get this job done and you're free to go. He will disappear out of your sight. You can go back-

"Y/n? Hey, Y/n!"

My train of thoughts was disrupted by Jinwoo's voice. I look at him again and he pointed at the girl.

"She's leaving her locker! What should we do?"

"I don't know."

He snaps his fingers.

"Okay, you need to go up there."

"What no. Can't we just search information about her and continue watching her?"

"Sure, if you wanna be a stalker and get arrested. Come on. Just go!"

Jinwoo tries to push me to her direction but failed to when his hand went through my body. I took a deep breath and walk towards her.

"You owe me one, damn ghost. I hate talking to people-"

Before I even reach the girl, i tripped over thin air and fell flat on the floor. Luckily, not many people were around so i wasn't really that embarassed. Unluckily, the girl saw me. She ran towards me and offered a hand. I thanked her and stood up.

"Umm... i'm sorry..."

"Why are you apologising? Are you okay? You didn't twist your ankle, right?"


The whole time, i was just looking down. I couldn't look up. I hated meeting new people. Who knows what they'll say about me? What they're thinking about me?

Does she hate me? Does she sees me as a burden? What if-

"Yah! Look up, Y/n! Look up and start a conversation!"

I hear Jinwoo's voice i then look up and made eye contact with the girl.


"You finally looked up! I thought there was something wrong with your foot... You're the new girl, right? Um... Y/n, right? "

I just stayed frozen and i could see Jinwoo's frustration as he kept on shouting 'nod' behind the girl. I nodded.

"Then, do you know who i am? I'm your classmate! If I'm not wrong, you sit 3 desks away from me!"

Whoa this girl is so outgoing i can't relate.

"It must be hard transferring to a new school..."

"I-I-It's ok-kay..."

Awkward silence. The girl was about to leave but i hear Jinwoo shouting. He kept on jumping around.

"Ask her if she likes Kpop! Ask her about her locker!"

"But i don't know any Kpop."

I mumbled. The girl waved goodbye and started walking away.

"Just do it!"

Jinwoo demanded and i took a deep breath.

"Hey um... t-the boy group! The boy group on your l-locker..!"

"You know them?!"

She ran back to me and made direct eye contact with me. Her eyes sparkling with joy. A bright smile on her face.


"Oh my gosh! I've never met another kpop fan before!"

She pulls me to her locker and opened it with glee.

"I'm a big fan of Broduce X 202!"

Brojuice what?

"Do you watch it too? Who's your pick?"

She asks as she tries to reach in her locker to find something. I sent signals to Jinwoo telling him to help me.

"Say you like Haenami!"

I mouthed back at him, 'what the hell is a Haenami?!'

"So? Who's your pick?"

"I like Hamnabi?"

"Hamnabi? OH! Haenami! He's cute, isn't he? My pick is Priki!"

What is this alien language? Priki? Haenami? And i thought i was the strange one.

"I'm so glad i met someone who loves Broduce X 202 as much as i do!"

She checks her watch and gasps before closing her locker.

"Oh no. I'm going to be late for my bus if i don't run to the bus stop now. It was nice talking to you, Y/n! Let's talk more tomorrow!"

I nodded.

Shit her name-

"Oh! My name is Kang Yejin! We're friends from now on!"

The girl shouts before running out of the school.

Friends? We're friends...

"You did it, Y/n! You talked to her! This is great! Tomorrow you can ask her about me-... Y/n?"

Jinwoo floats near me and stares at me. I look down and Jinwoo sinks to the floor to make eye contact with me. His eyes widened at the sight of me. He then smiled.

"You did great today... good job."

Author's note:

Yay i finally have time to update this book! Thank godddd.

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